Chapter 113 It's Normal for Lan Mu to Look Down on You_1

Xu Meihong busied herself and sat down opposite her, picking up the chopsticks to serve her some food, "Zaozao, eat more. Your dad just specially made two dishes that you like."

Yan Zao looked at the stir-fried asparagus lettuce with meat that Xu Meihong served her, not knowing if this could be considered belated love.

She didn't speak, and Xu Meihong's voice rose again from across the table, "Last time, your aunt said you went to her house for a meal. Your dad and I were planning to go there and eat together, but why did you leave when we arrived?"

At the mention of last time's incident, Yan Zao's expression turned cold, "I had no appetite, didn't feel like eating, so I left."

She didn't eat the food Xu Meihong served her and continued to drink her soup.

Xu Meihong didn't think much of it and carried on with a casual tone, "You see, you and Lan Mu have been married for so long and haven't had a meal together at home yet. Ask him when he's free, and come over for a meal."