Chapter 149: Could You Have Some Shame?_1


Wen Jing hurriedly reached out to grab it, but Yu Yexiao dodged and quickly handed the contract to the reaching store manager.

The store manager took the contract and started tearing it up, shredding it to pieces.

Wen Jing was so anxious she wanted to cry. She lunged forward, reaching out with her hands, and scratched Yu Yexiao's face twice.

Yu Yexiao had not expected such a move and was caught off guard. The powdered face instantly had ten scratch marks, puffing up.

The pain was scorching hot. She stared at Wen Jing in shock, "Have you gone mad!"

Wen Jing pointed at Yu Yexiao and cursed loudly, "You're almost forty years old and you can't even handle a bet with a young man. Have some shame, will you? Don't you have a face to save?"

She looked at the scraps of the contract scattered on the ground and felt she would never be happy again.

"Sister Xiao."

The store manager saw the scratch marks on Yu Yexiao's face, some seeping blood, and screamed in fright.