Chapter 150 What Really Matters to Her_1


One could say that there was no trace of emotion, yet it made Yu Yexiao's complexion turn pale, her teeth clenched in hatred.

She threw down a harsh threat at Yan Zao, "Yan Zao, don't push your luck, or I'll make sure you can't survive on this street."

Yan Zao burst out laughing, "Are you in the mafia, Boss Xiao?"

Her mocking laughter was like a slap in Yu Yexiao's face.

Yu Yexiao felt her face burn with pain, she pointed at her own face and said to Yan Zao, "Yan Zao, your cousin scratched my face. If I sue her, she's going to jail."

The implication was easy to understand: drop the bet and she wouldn't sue Wen Jing.

Wen Jing, of course, also understood what Yu Yexiao meant, and wanted to advise Yan Zao not to agree, "Zaozao, you don't have to..."