Chapter 151 Willing to Bet and Admit Defeat_1

Wen Jing looked at Yan Zao and suddenly felt some sympathy for her.

If the world hadn't been so indifferent to her, who would have been cold-hearted from the start?

"You've lived for nearly forty years and still got frightened by someone more than a decade younger than you,"

Ye Sang looked at Yu Yexiao's scratched face, furious enough to disregard sisterly affection, and insulted her through gritted teeth, "All day long, you claim to know people here and there, but it's all just big talk."

She hadn't gotten over yesterday's incident, and today, Yan Zao had caused a scene in their shop again.

How could she swallow this anger?

Yu Yexiao defended herself with a sense of grievance, "That little bitch Yan Zao is really too cunning. She actually installed a camera at the entrance and recorded the scene of me making the bet that day."

All she worried about was being made to wear a sign and being paraded through the streets.