Chapter 163: Invited to Watch the Match_1

A loud address that made Yan Zao feel somewhat embarrassed, her cheeks flushing slightly.

With a curved smile and a shy laugh, she asked, "What's up?"

Watermelon approached her, a young man in his early twenties. Looking at Yan Zao, he too was somewhat bashful, "Heh heh, I came to find you because there's a bit of something."

There was an empty teacup on the table, so Yan Zao picked up the teapot and poured Watermelon a cup, then gestured toward the chair opposite her, inviting Watermelon to sit, "Sit down."

Watermelon didn't stand on ceremony and coolly sat down.

Then Yan Zao asked, "What is it?"

Watermelon said, "Our club, in cooperation with Suzhou TV station, has a match at the Olympic Center this Saturday, and we'd like to invite sister-in-law to come watch."

Upon hearing this, Yan Zao was a bit surprised, "Invite me to watch the match?"

What she really wanted to ask Watermelon was who sent him to call her.

It definitely wasn't Watermelon acting on his own initiative.