Chapter 162: Behind the Scenes, a Strategist_1

Walking and interacting with everybody, it's like a large carnival street performance at an amusement park.

It diverted a lot of the onlookers' attention; everyone was originally here to watch Yu Yexiao's public shaming, but they didn't expect to see this eye-catching scene.

Wen Jing, standing on the second floor of her family store, pouted and said, "I underestimated Yu Yexiao, I really didn't expect her to be so slick, pulling off this move to alleviate much of the awkwardness."

She was even holding a pair of binoculars.

It wasn't as interesting as she expected, so she put down the binoculars with a lack of enthusiasm, "Wasted over two hundred on binoculars for nothing."

She had specifically bought them the night before.


Yan Zao sneered from the side, "The brains aren't hers."