Chapter 177: When Exactly Did You Start Liking Yan Zao?_1

He didn't look at Zu He, but his eyes, like radar, continued to search the shelves for something.

Those CDs Zu He had bought weren't even unwrapped. When Lan Mu said he wanted to take them to listen, he blew up and hurried over to stop him, "Those are my collector's CDs, can't you just download the songs you want to listen to from the internet?"

He tried to snatch the CD from Lan Mu's hand, but Lan Mu dodged, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of a CD in the corner, his eyes lighting up, "This one seems pretty good too."

He reached out and took it in his hand.

Zu He became anxious, "That's Ajie's ten-year anniversary collector's edition CD, I had to scramble to get it from someone, put it down."

He tried to snatch it back, but Lan Mu raised his hand.

He was a head shorter than Lan Mu, who was even standing on his toes and therefore even taller. Lan Mu looked down at Zu He, "The video of you getting drunk last month, taking off your clothes, and pounding your chest..."