Chapter 178 If You Don't Want It Now, You'll Miss the Chance_1

If he drinks with Lan Mu again, he's worse than a beast!

Absolute scum!

He regrets so much that he went drinking last month, and drank so much at that. The effort it took to collect those limited edition items...

Zu He's heart was bleeding.


Lan Mu reluctantly agreed to Zu He's humble request.

He picked out two CDs from the ones he had and handed them to Zu He, "Keep this one and this one."

Zu He looked at the two CDs and his face darkened again, "You can buy these online now."

Lan Mu raised an eyebrow, "Don't want them?"

His attitude made it seem like this was Zu He's last chance to get them.

Zu He clenched his teeth, "I want them!"

Damn, these were originally his own things, yet now it seems like they're being bestowed upon him as charity.

How much longer will he have to suffer this oppression and exploitation!
