Chapter 184 The Huge Scandal of Team Blue's Captain_1

While talking, he walked over and sat down on the sofa.

Zhou Sicheng also waved his hand, indicating he couldn't laugh anymore either, "Me too."

He sat down next to Zu He as well.

The two men, with their eyes in unison, turned toward Lan Mu, and upon seeing that dark expression on Lan Mu's face, they 'snorted' and couldn't help bursting into laughter.

Zhou Sicheng averted his gaze to look at Zu He, "I've seen yours too, and it's not that short either."

"Yeah," Zu He nodded, his gaze turning back to Lan Mu, "He still has no idea."

Lan Mu truly couldn't understand what Zhou Sicheng and Zu He were talking about.

Nor did he know what they were laughing about.

Zhou Sicheng tried hard to suppress his laughter, barely managing to enunciate clearly, "Someone online is spreading rumors that you're an impotent man with a small package, that you're not up to par in certain respects."

At this statement, Lan Mu's eyes widened in shock.

'You small fry with kidney deficiency...'