185 Chapter: When asking for help, one should have the attitude of seeking help_1

Lan Mu looked at her with only one thought in mind, to pinch her to death.

His long legs took one or two steps at a time, swiftly covering the distance to Yan Zao. His large hand grabbed her arm and hoisted her up,

Auntie Lan was terrified at the scene, fearing Lan Mu would throw Yan Zao from their position down to the first floor, "Amu, don't do anything rash."

After all, he seemed to have lost his mind in anger.

Having watched him grow up, she had never seen him this angry in all the years, trembling with rage.

She had no idea what had actually happened.

Yan Zao remained composed, her gaze upon Lan Mu even holding a bit of mockery, "Are you trying to prove you're not that right now?"

She raised her eyebrows, looking every bit the thug.

A vein popped on Lan Mu's forehead, the urge to strangle this foolish woman growing intensely.

His fists clenched at his sides, shaking with restraint.

Finally, he laughed out of sheer fury, "In your dreams."

He snorted coldly.