Chapter 238: Who Would Have Thought the Blue God is Henpecked_1

The two staff members supporting Su Tingli stopped in their tracks, confused by Lan Mu's comment, "Team Blue?"

Lan Mu walked over to them, and upon reaching them, she stared at Su Tingli's face for a while before speaking, "Su Tingli."

Seeing that Lan Mu remembered her name, Su Tingli was incredibly excited, "Oh my gosh, to think that Lan the Great actually remembers the name of this old classmate of his, I... I'm so thrilled."

She covered her mouth with both hands, her eyes beginning to brim with tears.

Lan Mu stared at her face and let out a cold laugh, "Heh..."

The person who made Yan Zao the subject of school violence for the first, and only, time; he would recognize her even if she had plastic surgery and turned to ashes.

Su Tingli had no idea what Lan Mu's cold laugh meant. Her excitement was uncontainable, completely forgetting her identity as Lan Mu's classmate, acting like a bona fide fan.

"I... I... I..."