Chapter 239 Your Husband is Too Handsome, Right?_1

Su Tingli acted like a photographer, patiently teaching Lan Mu how to pose while constantly snapping pictures.

She only stopped when Lan Mu furrowed his brow, showing her good sense by ceasing.

Putting away her phone just as the referee started blowing the whistle, Su Tingli raised her fist to cheer for Lan Mu, "Go Lan Mu!"

Lan Mu's handsome face was indifferent as he turned and walked away.

Zhou Sicheng caught up with Lan Mu, hooking his neck and asking gossipily, "Amu, who was that woman just now? She looks kind of familiar to me."

Lan Mu stopped in his tracks, thought seriously for a moment, and then replied to Zhou Sicheng, "A woman once protected by my wife."

After he said that, he mentally gave himself full marks for his answer.

Who would have thought that he had once felt such jealous hatred for that girl in his class who sat in the back corner, the one who was dark and chubby, with tiny eyes...

After replying to Zhou Sicheng, Lan Mu quickened his pace.