The 268 suddenly announced _1

"Daddy Haoguang, please let Queen Chi debut in the center position!"

"I love Chi Yue so much. Chi Yue, Chi Yue, they are all the stars of tonight, but you are the brightest crescent moon."

"Queen Chi, your beauty has made the dog fans cry and crawl out of their graves to welcome your arrival."

"I'm begging Queen Chi not to abandon her subjects. Show your face once in a while let us lick the screen..."

Inside and outside the venue, everyone was crazy about Chi Yue's beauty,

Qiao Dongyang suddenly felt a tightness in his chest, unsure whether to feel happy or go insane.

She was naturally beautiful and had a unique charm that was very attractive, something he had known not since today. She looked fetching in the gown she wore today, which was not something he just discovered—however, knowing that and actually being at the event to experience this intense atmosphere and those passionate stares was still somewhat shocking.