269 agreed, huh_1

The party suddenly fell quiet.

In the vast hall, it was packed with people, but not a single sound could be heard.

Mei Yi, wearing a black suit, had her shoulder-length hair tied back in a ponytail, looking more solemn and competent than usual. She walked onto the stage to the microphone, her tall figure leaning down, her face full of sincerity and apology.

"Respected leaders, distinguished guests, friends in the audience. What the host failed to make clear earlier is that the reason our Skyfall Heroes' Miss Chi Yue was eliminated during the qualifiers was due to human interference! During the competition, someone, out of personal vengeance, tampered with the spacesuit, causing a malfunction in its axis, which prevented Miss Chi Yue from operating normally inside the simulation cabin, thereby affecting the outcome of the competition."

Oh my heavens!

The entire audience was in an uproar.

Mei Yi paused, gripping the microphone stand and looking around at the crowd.