It was all a setup?

"As you can see from the video, your wife drank the drugged wine meant for Violet Montero because the waiter mistakenly switched the cups when he served you." Ethan's voice echoed in the hotel room.

Daniel clamped his hands together and placed his chin on it as he pensively watched the scenario playing out on his laptop.

"And once the waiter noticed the drug taking effect, he escorted you away from the gala, leaving your wife behind but here's where it gets tricky. Because the gala organizers knew there would be some drunk guests, they prepared a set of rooms for them. So, after you were escorted out of the party hall, another waiter noticed your wife was tipsy and helped her to room 101 which was the only available room then. However, that was the same private room that Violet Montero prepared in advance using a fake name."

At that point, Daniel scrolled through his phone and saw the picture of Violet coming out of a room with door number 101.