I Enjoyed Our Night Together

Silver sat at the bar, the flickering lights casting shadows across her face as she patted Violet's back halfheartedly, her thoughts swirling with confusion and sorrow.

The events of the night replayed in her mind like a broken record, each moment more painful than the last.

Pushing aside her turmoil, Silver turned her attention to Violet, who was still sobbing uncontrollably in the corner of the VIP booth.

With a resigned sigh, she reached for her phone and dialed her driver, ordering him to come to the bar immediately.

"Hello, it's me. I need you to come to the bar and pick us up," Silver said into the phone, her voice tinged with impatience.

A few minutes later, the sleek black car pulled up outside the bar, and Silver escorted the crying Violet outside, her arm wrapped around her for support.

"Take her to my house," Silver instructed the driver curtly as she helped Violet into the car. "Make sure she gets home safely."