What Did You Say?!

Moreau House, Clover District

Rosalie dropped the garden gloves stained with mud on the front porch and sighed as she went into the house.

She had just finished planting a new set of fuchsia flower seedlings and her garden was looking just like she envisioned it to be.

She made her way to the kitchen and smiled when she saw a neatly plated lasagna covered with plastic wrap on the table.

"This man just keeps spoiling me." She said as she approached the table with the smile still plastered on her face.

It was then she found a note beside the plate and scrunched her brows in curiosity as she picked it up to read.

[I'm sorry I couldn't give you goodbye kisses today, honey but I had to rush. To make up for it, I made your favorite pasta. I hope you like it! I love you! Kisses! P.S.:- This is also an apology for keeping you up all night that day! *wink* xoxo]