Emma Has A Child?!

"It's exactly as I said it, Papa Fitz. They sold off Valentina Estates in the most horrible way possible! Imagine a whole Valentina Estates being priced like a toy in the market." Rosalie said as she leaned back in her seat.

Fitzwilliam was quiet for a second before he scoffed, "Typical! They obviously couldn't hold down the forte that an eighteen year old could and quickly sold it off to another person. Incompetent fools! What a disgrace!"

Rosalie nodded in agreement. Her aunt and uncle always clamored to Fitz that she was too young to handle a role as important as the acting CEO of Valentina yet when they finally had the chance, not only did they run the place to the ground they also sold their family legacy off like it was some kind of hot potato.

It was like they slapped themselves in the face with their own hands!