Let the party begin!

"What the...Who are you?" Jake blurted out, his heart still pounding from the surprise.

Ethan, with lightning reflexes, lunged out of bed, grabbing a pillow to shield himself as he stared incredulously at the stranger who shrieked like a frightened kitten.

"Who am I? Who the heck are you?! And what are you doing in my bed?" Ethan retorted as his grip on the pillow tightened.

After he got home, he gave Daniel the cold shoulder because he was upset at the fact that he was beginning to act like a typical Kozlov, controlling and full of tyranny. He already divorced his ex-wife yet he asked his assistant to keep tabs on her like she owed him something.

That was something only a Kozlov would do. They didn't like to let anything they had before slip out of their fingers and if there was anything of that sort, they'd chase it and forcefully keep it by their side till it outlived its usefulness.