The Woman Who Stole My Heart

Zayne clad in a loose shirt frowned in his sleep, the sound of his phone ringing disrupted his peaceful time and he was quite irked.

He grabbed his phone and was just about to curse at the caller angrily when he heard Nikolai's voice, "Zayne! You've really outdone yourself, haven't you?!"

Zayne frowned in confusion.

He could practically feel the icy rage emanating from the other end so he sat up and pushed his curly hair away from his face. 

"And what exactly are you talking about?" He snapped still irritated from being woken up.

'I wonder what has got this old man so worked up this morning?' He thought.

"Don't play dumb with me, young man! Your dealings with Vesita and your poorly covered affairs with my staff are all over the news!" Nikolai bellowed over the phone and Zayne's frown deepened.

'How did he get to know about that?' He thought.