A Coincidence?!

"Oh, Madam! I mean Miss Emma! What a coincidence!" Lucas said wide-eyed as he smiled brightly at Emma.

Then he adjusted the table before him whilst giving himself a mental pat on the back.

'Thank God I came in on time! Or Mr. Ash would have confessed his feelings to Madam!' He pondered but plastered an 'apologetic' expression on his face.

He had come here to get a latte and just happened to see Emma walk in by coincidence. He curiously watched her and saw that she had come to see Ash.

At that point, alarm bells were already blaring in his head.

This was the second time he had seen them both together and Ash always had this I-want-to-smother-you-with-all-the-love-in-the-world look on his face whenever he was with her.

So he quickly texted his boss about what he saw, sat beside them, and listened to their conversation. When he sensed where their conversation was going, he thought quickly and improvised to disrupt it.