
Emma looked shocked. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

Daniel's words struck her like a thunderbolt, leaving her momentarily speechless. "Ex! Daniel, Ex! You're my ex-husband! What's wrong with you?!" She said at the top of her lungs.

Daniel smirked and said with a shrug, "But I'm not wrong. I am still your husband."

Emma frowned and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Daniel sat down on the edge of the bed, a calculated move that put him just out of reach but close enough to maintain eye contact.

"The marriage annulment, Emma. It never went through," he said calmly.Emma scoffed in disbelief, "Don't be ridiculous. I signed the papers before I left.""But you didn't wait to see it through to the end." Daniel started to say before he continued, "The papers were never filed. I just received a call from my lawyer and it turns out that there was a...discrepancy."