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Emma stared at Daniel with a frown on her face, wondering if he was telling the truth.

"But... in my memory. The attacker... it looked like you." She stammered as she thought back to that night, clutching the sheet under her hands.

Daniel quickly explained, "Wasn't it the night we met the prime minister's wife? I dropped you at my house and didn't come back until five in the morning which was after my business trip. So, Emma, you remembered wrongly! It wasn't me!"

Emma looked lost as she took in Daniel's words.

'Could he be telling the truth? Did I see wrongly?' She thought.

Meanwhile, Daniel's brow furrowed, "Emma, I know this is too much to ask from you but could you describe him, please? Anything you remember, any details?" he urged.

Emma squeezed her eyes shut, trying to piece together the fragmented memory. "He was tall, and he was wearing the same clothes you had on that night… I couldn't see his face clearly."