Be ready to be my host

Ash dropped his bags in the front of the house his assistant got for him about a week ago and sighed as he rummaged for the keys in his pockets. 

The past four and a half weeks would be the most hectic he had ever experienced in his entire 28 years of existence.

He was still thinking about how to profess his love to Emma when Jay called him telling him about the crisis his company was suffering. 

Apparently, each of the suppliers met with an unfortunate incident that couldn't be explained thereby cutting off his company's supplies that could last half a year.

What was worse, the company's reserves were wiped out on creations that kept going haywire so productions were halted and customers' demands couldn't be met.

Complaints were flooding in like a wave on the shore, his workers were pacing around looking for other suppliers but it was as if they were suddenly nonexistent.