Malicious Energy

Celeste was tending to the flowers in her garden when she suddenly felt a sudden shift in the atmosphere. The air grew thick and heavy, and an ominous feeling washed over her.

Her gaze instinctively turned to the sky, and there she saw a dark cloud slowly rolling in. A frown etched across her face, and a sense of unease settled deep within her.

"Such a malicious energy. That man finally broke free?" She muttered before she removed her garden gloves and went into the house.


Chateau Manor,

Daniel was sitting on the edge of the bed with his laptop as Emma lay beside him, still unconscious.

He was trying to focus on the video call he had with his staff concerning a recurring issue they had with Lex Group, but his mind kept wandering back to Emma.

Despite the urgency of the meeting, he couldn't help but feel anxious about her condition.