Break The Spell

Chateau Manor,

Daniel felt his heart pounding against his chest as he hung up the phone with Oliver, his driver, instructing him to go to Dr. Celeste's house immediately.

The news that she had just conveyed to him was nothing short of terrifying, leaving him feeling an overwhelming sense of dread and uncertainty.

A spell? Reincarnation? He couldn't wrap his head around it, but the raw desperation in her voice left no room for doubt.

'Emma wasn't sleeping but was trapped in a spell! A spell that could rob him of his soulmate forever?' He thought as the weight of Celeste's words about their past lives slammed into him.

So his dreams and visions were… actually memories of their love story spanning countless lifetimes? Was that even possible?

'But where did that spell come from?' He thought and Blake's creepy smile appeared in front of him.