Celestial Being

Emma slowly opened her eyes and found herself standing in the middle of a lake, surrounded by lush greenery. The cool, crystal-clear water lapped gently at the hem of her long, flowing white dress, leaving it damp up to her knees.

The sun was shining down, casting a warm glow over the scene, and a gentle breeze ruffled her hair, carrying the sweet fragrance of wildflowers. 

She looked around with a frown and called out, "Daniel?"

'Did Daniel finally wake up from his love-bombing spell and realize that I am his ex-wife he detested and finally threw me out?' Emma thought.

"But even if he wanted to throw me out, why didn't he wake me up and did he have to drop me in water? He even changed my dress and didn't think to give me shoes?" She asked out loud in anger as she looked at her feet standing on the smooth colorful gravels under the clear water of the lake.