Old Friend

Dawn gulped in fear at Rosalie's words. 'No wonder she could man a huge company like Valentina Estates at such a young age. I can feel her strong aura from over here that it's stifling!' She mused while taking a breath to calm herself.

Meanwhile, a glint flashed past Alex's eyes and he stilled.

He understood the message Rosalie was passing across to him loud and clear.

She was telling him that if at any chance, he found the situation unfavorable for Dawn or himself and tried to bail out of it by leaving Rosalie on her own then she wouldn't take it lightly.

Alex's lips twisted into a smirk. 

"Ms. Valentina, I wouldn't have it any other way. We're in this together, and I wouldn't dream of prioritizing anyone's safety over yours or your family's. Now, since we have an agreement, shall we head to your old house? You lead the way, and we'll follow behind." He said with a hint of amusement in his voice.