They were Kissing

Ash looked stupefied as he took in the appearance of who or whatever was before him.

His appearance was unlike anything Ash had ever seen before with skin being pale and translucent, and veins of black coursing just beneath the surface.

His eyes were the most unsettling aspect of his appearance. They were pools of darkness, devoid of any emotion or humanity that seemed to bore into Ash's soul, sending shivers down his spine.

Clad in a dark robe, he exuded an aura of malevolence that seemed to suffocate the air, making it difficult for Ash to breathe.

Whatever this being was, it cast an unsettling energy on Ash.

He knew instinctively that this was no ordinary being standing before him. This was something far more sinister, something that had no place in their world.

"Who... What are you?" Ash asked as he slowly took a step back.

Blake's lips curled into a wicked smile, "I am Blake, your friend."