
The air crackled with a raw energy Ash didn't know he possessed as the kettle sailed through the air defying gravity.

Blake, however, didn't seem fazed. He flicked his wrist dismissively, and the kettle hit the wall with a deafening clang before it dissolved into a harmless puddle of water and metal shards on the floor.

Ash stared at the kettle that had been reduced to metal shards on the floor before raising his hand to see them trembling.

What just happened? Was this what Blake meant by his "immense power"?

"See, your power's still very much there, Ash. You just needed the right trigger." Blake said with a sly smile.

"Power? What are you talking about?" Ash demanded.

"The power of alchemy. Remember? You, the great Asher, the alchemist favored by the Heavens." Blake said, gesturing towards the amber crystal on the floor.

Ash's mind reeled.

Alchemist? Heavens?