Tian Mei

Tian Mei led Xue Yang to her room, the two didn't exchange any words during this time.

Once they reached a room with a large double door, Tian Mei opened it and invited Xue Yang in.

"Please come in."

Tian Mei walked in first with Xue Yang closely behind.

He put his hand up to hide the small smile that formed on his face thanks to her actions. He didn't know if she invited him in again because of what he said before or not, but still found her actions to be cute.

Along the wall was a dresser with a small picture frame sitting on it. It looked like a small shrine.

Tian Mei walked up to it, lighting an incense stick and bowing her head for a moment before turning to Xue Yang.

"Make yourself at home, I'm going to get changed."

Xue Yang decided to have a small look around.

In the middle of the room was a small sturdy table with two chairs and a red orchid sitting in a pot in the center of it.

Off to the side was another door leading to a balcony overlooking the city.

The view was dazzling as the lanterns lit up the streets and people enjoyed life. Seeing this peaceful scene caused Xue Yang to think that this world wasn't that bad.

There were two other doors, one led to Tian Mei's bedroom where she was currently changing, while the other led to the bathroom.

While the room was large, all things considered, Xue Yang couldn't help but notice it was quite plain. Everything looked to be made from top-quality materials, gilded with gold and silver just as almost everything within the building was.

Having seen everything there was to be seen, Xue Yang decided to get a closer look at the picture shrine.

The picture frame was made from pure gold with various gems around it. It had a phoenix design etched into it.

The phoenix symbolized rebirth. Xue Yang immediately understood the meaning behind it. This was a death shrine for those in the picture and the phoenix on the frame represented Tian Mei's desire for their rebirth.

Reincarnation was something that many believed in, and while it wasn't something common enough for most to know it was real. Xue Yang still understood the sentiment behind it. He understood the hope of having someone precious who had died to live a new and better life after death.

In the picture was a cute little girl with a big bright smile. She had blue eyes and silky black hair. Xue Yang identified her right away and knew it was Tian Mei when she was a young girl.

Surrounding her on both sides was a handsome man with a bright goofy smile and a woman with a serious expression that closely resembled Tian Mei in appearance.

"They look happy," Xue Yang thought.

He grew up without his parents and didn't know the love that came with a good family. While growing up, he couldn't but help feel envious of children spending time with their parents. But as he grew older, he realized that he was the only one he needed.

Xue Yang was so engrossed in looking at the picture that he didn't notice Tian Mei coming back into the room.

She walked to him and confirmed what Xue Yang had already figured out.

"That's me and my parents."

Xue Yang turned to look at her, somehow she looked even more beautiful than before. She was wearing a light, pure white robe, her hair was let loose and free from any accessories making her look even more like her mum in the picture.

Her face was now free from any makeup and somehow her natural appearance was even more stunning as if the makeup job was to make her look less appealing.

She walked up to the shrine and picked the picture up looking wistful as she spoke.

"We were a happy little family, we weren't rich by any means but we still had an amazing and happy life."

She slightly choked up as she continued, "But then one day some rogue cultivators attacked our home. They killed everyone and took anything of value."

"I thought that they would kill me too, but that's when the manager showed up and protected me. He appeared suddenly out of nowhere just in time and forced them to retreat."

"The manager?" Xue Yang inquired.

She smiled nodding her head.

"Yes, he saved my life in more ways than one."

"After I lost my family I had nowhere to go, he brought me here and took me in. Gave me a job serving food and drinks. He taught me to read and write and once I grew older he even hired music and dance tutors."

She stopped talking for a moment as she briefly reminisced.

"It wasn't always easy, but he was like another father to me. Once I was old enough I wanted to stay here and repay him for everything he had done for me. I was even prepared to sell my body just to make it happen."

"But he didn't want that for me and helped me become the poster girl. I do have to entertain some VIP guests but I never did or had to use my body to satisfy them unlike the other girls here."

"I most likely wouldn't be alive right now if not for him."

As those words left her, tears swelled up in her eyes and slowly trickled down her cheeks.

"He sounds like a good man which is a rarity, I hope I can meet him one day." Xue Yang said out loud with a soft warm smile, but in his heart, he said "I'm sorry."

As the creator of this world, he couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. He felt as if his heart was being pricked ever so slightly.

If he hadn't created this world to be so cruel, maybe Tian Mei would still be happily living with her family. Maybe she'd be married and starting a family of her own, but now there was no way to know what could have been.

He wrapped his arms around her, embracing her into a hug, their height difference more apparent than ever. Only now did he notice how small she seemed in comparison.

This caused her to slightly jump in surprise. He neared her ear and whispered as he comforted her, "Xue Yang"

"Huh?" She exclaimed, not fully understanding what he was saying.

"That's my name. I know yours so I thought it was only fair."


Xue Yang took a deep breath as he considered his next words.

"I'm sure your parents are happy wherever they are." 

Tian Mei turned around and looked up at Xue Yang, staring intently at his face as her eyes teared up even more.

Remembering the picture frame he continued.

"Perhaps they've already reincarnated and are living a new life, but even if they are I'm sure deep down they remember you. I'm sure if they saw you now they'd be proud of their little girl. You've done well and they'd be happy that despite everything you're living a good life."

With that, the floodworks were unleashed. She returned the embrace and started to weep into Xue Yang's chest.

Xue Yang comforted her by gently stroking her head and patting her back.

After a few moments, she pushed her body away from his slightly and looked up into his eyes, smiling brightly. As she did that Xue Yang used his hand to wipe her tears away.

"Thank you, Xue Yang, you don't know how much those words mean to me."

Sniffing and getting rid of any remaining tears she said, "Now, how about I have someone bring us some wine and snacks and we relax a bit."

After seeing Xue Yang nod his head she went and pulled a rope causing a bell to ring.