
The woman led Xue Yang to what appeared to be the largest non-residential building in town.

It was a 4-storey building that looked closer to a palace than a place of business. Xue Yang wondered how many people it could possibly fit.

The sheer size alone was impressive but it didn't end there. The entire building was a red colour, with golden designs all over the walls showcasing this place's wealth.

Large gilded crimson doors were wide open as people walked in and out. Guards could be seen standing in uniforms without moving a muscle as drunks stumbled about.

Inside could be seen plentiful tables at which beautiful women could be seen happily chatting and laughing with the men as they poured them expensive drinks.

The woman wrapped her arms around Xue Yang. 

"I hope you don't mind… I just don't want to lose you in the crowd."

She smiled looking up at Xue Yang.

"Not at all, it's my pleasure." Returning the smile Xue Yang gently patted her small hand that was placed firmly on his arm.

This act caused butterflies to appear in her stomach as her smile became even brighter.

As the pair neared the entrance, Xue Yang could feel the bewildered look the guards attempted to conceal.

Xue Yang kept his poker face but this made him even more curious about who this woman was.

Just before they were about to enter Xue Yang was going to halt his movement, but before he had the chance to, the woman surprised and impressed him.

"Please come inside." She said looking into his crimson eyes.

This act caused Xue Yang's heart to skip a beat. It was the first time he could remember someone being considerate like that to him.

From the looks of it, she overheard what he had told the innkeeper and kept it in mind. Because of this he couldn't help but grow fond of her even if it was just a little bit.

He felt like she was a good person. In a world where survival of the fittest is law, not many people would think of others as she did of him.

Especially someone they just met. The only reason they would is if there was something they wanted from the other person.

Xue Yang knew she wanted something and given how she acted he was pretty sure of what that might be.

However, given this woman's beauty, she would have probably gotten almost anything she wanted by simply implying.

Yet here she was, paying attention to Xue Yang and his words, making sure to take the utmost care of him.

Most men would have come running to her if she just looked their way, but instead, she came running after Xue Yang. Doing her best to make a great impression and helping him out of his predicament.

If not for her action in the inn Xue Yang most likely would have been on the run once again, but this time he might not have gotten away so easily.

Walking inside Xue Yang had a clearer view of the interior.

Near one wall was a large stage. On it, a beautiful woman was gracefully playing an instrument as others were dancing to it's enchanting sounds.

Straight down the center were large stairs that split both left and right leading to an upper level.

Men could be seen following women and coming downstairs alone with a satisfied smile.

"This is…" Xue Yang trailed off but the woman finished his sentence, looking slightly nervous.

"A brothel." 

"Are you disappointed?" she whispered wearily.

Deciding to calm her nerves he said, "You're helping me out. Something like this is incomparable to the goodwill you've given me."

The truth was that she had been nervous about this moment the entire journey. But with just a few words, Xue Yang put all her worries to rest and replaced them with a warm and fuzzy feeling.

"Let's go upstairs to my room." She happily said.

The two walked towards the stairs, at first nobody paid attention to them but as they moved they began to catch the attention of those around them.

At first, Xue Yang believed they were looking their way because of him, just as people had looked at him while he was traveling through town.

But then he heard people speaking, disproving his theory.

"Hey, look over there." One man nudged his friend.

"Is that… No. There is no way it's her."

The man's friend looked in the direction his friend was looking. "What's Tian Mei doing with her arms wrapped so tightly around a man?"

"Maybe he is a rich young master? I mean look at his handsome face, there is no way someone like that doesn't belong to some prestigious clan."

"But look at her face, have you ever seen her blush and smile like that? It's as if she was a maiden in love."

Hearing these words many more people started to look at the pair and began discussing amongst themselves this intriguing turn of events.

"Isn't that the unattainable flower of the purple orchid palace?"

"What is she doing with a man?"

"Is the pure flower finally going to get plucked?"

Xue Yang could hear similar conversations happening all around him.

Fortunately, they were quiet enough that Tian Mei couldn't hear them.

But hearing such talk soured Xue Yang's mood. He didn't want to find her name out like that and being treated as a spectacle wasn't something he enjoyed.

However, he decided not to let the stares and gossip bother him and ignored them.

That's when he heard a shout directed at him and Tian Mei halting them in their tracks.

"Hey, stop right there!"

Turning around Xue Yang saw a drunk young man that appeared to be around his age. He was wearing pure white robes with an azure trim, his murky brown hair was tied into a ponytail.

His face was a bright red shade as his head swerved slightly from side to side and his green eyes scanned Xue Yang and Tian Mei.

In his hand was a sword that had already been pulled out of its sheath.

Xue Yang stared at him for a moment, listening to what the audience had to say about this situation.

"Oh, looks like Feng Bao is going to give us a good show."

"But is it a good idea for him to do this? He doesn't know the identity of that young man."

"I don't think Feng Bao considered anything like that. Everyone knows how in love he is with Tian Mei."

"HAHAHA, that's true. Most of her earnings come from him."

Pointing his blade towards Xue Yang he walked closer to the pair and asked him a question.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Blinking his eyes multiple times Xue Yang answered the question with a question.

"Who? Me?"

Annoyed Feng Bao replied, "Who else? Now answer me!"

Smiling mischievously Xue Yang answered.

"I was about to go upstairs, into this stunning woman's room."

Feng Bao's face twisted in anger.

"Who do you think you are, going into my woman's room?"

Xue Yang raised his eyebrows.

"I think I'm me. The question is who are you to stop me? It doesn't appear as if she agrees with your statement." He mocked.

"I suggest, you stop acting tough if you don't want to lose your life. I'd hate to act uncouth in front of Tian Mei but I will not hesitate to cut you down."

"Just for your information, I've recently reached the 5th level of the core formation realm. A mortal like you stands no chance."

He was now practically in front of Xue Yang. His sword was just an inch away from Xue Yang's chest.

The two looked into each other's eyes, both not wavering in the slightest.

Xue Yang's red eyes glowed brightly as he began to speak. Feng Bao's eyes seemed to have lost focus and lost their shine.

With every sentence Xue Yang said, Feng Bao would repeat after him as if in a trance.

"You don't want to do this."

"I don't want to do this."

"You want to go away and sober up by rolling in the mud with some pigs."

"I want to go away and sober up by rolling in the mud with some pigs."

"You won't let anything stop you until you do."

"I won't let anything stop me until I do."

"You're going to go now."

"I'm going to go now."

With that Feng Bao turned around with an empty expression, sword still in his hand and started walking towards the exit.

Those who were close enough to hear the conversation began to fear Xue Yang.

"Who is he to get Feng Bao to leave like that with just a few words?"

"I don't know but I don't think I want to find out."


"Shall we?" Xue Yang smiled softly at Tian Mei who looked at him in awe.

It looked like she had plenty of things she wanted to say but she just nodded her head.


The two walked upstairs. Simultaneously Feng Bao attempted to leave the building only for someone to shout after him.

"Hey, you haven't paid for your drinks yet. Stop right there!"

Despite the attempt, Feng Bao didn't stop and confidently continued towards the exit. But before he could leave a pair of guards that stood outside blocked him.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Get out of my way, I need to sober up by rolling in the mud with some pigs."

"Ha, you're free to do that once you pay your bill."

"I will cut you down." Feng Bao snarled as he prepared to cut the guards down.

But before he could unleash his technique his head flew up into the air and his neck turned into a fountain of blood.

He fell to his knees before completely falling to the ground.

Behind him stood a scholar-like man, he had glasses and medium-length hair that was parted to the sides.

He appeared out of nowhere and even if Feng Bao was in the right state of mind, the result would have been the same.

The man smiled brightly and eloquently apologized.

"I'd like to apologize for this shameful disturbance. Please enjoy a refreshment on me."

The recently quiet room roared in cheers as the man narrowed his eyes and looked towards the staircase.

  1. Tian Mei (甜美)
    Tian (甜): Sweet, representing her kind nature.
    Mei (美): Beautiful, representing her physical beauty.
    Tian Mei conveys the sense of someone who is both sweet-natured and beautiful, reflecting her kind and attractive personality.
  2. Feng Bao (风暴)
    Feng (风): Wind, which can symbolize something fast and unstoppable.
    Bao (暴): Storm or violent, representing his tempestuous and aggressive nature.
    Feng Bao can imply a character like a violent storm, sudden and destructive, reflecting his brash and aggressive demeanor.