Travellers Rest

Just as the morning sun rose, so did it set.

Despite the effects of the Solar Sickness, Xue Yang persevered and covered an impressive amount of ground.

Had he not killed the two warriors that might not have been the case. He was tired and the Bloodlust he managed to sate not long ago came back more vital than ever.

[☆Bloodlust lvl 9☆]

Looking at his status, Xue Yang felt troubled. While it was still manageable, Xue Yang knew that he wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer.

Even though he was the progenitor of vampires, the first and most powerful vampire that would ever exist, he was still a fledgling.

Essentially a baby, and while he could survive for a long time without blood and having his hunger increase under normal circumstances. 

The same couldn't be said after spending the entire day out in the sun.

At this point in time, Xue Yang had just begun to understand just how horrible of a curse this was. Unfortunately for him, the worst was yet to come.

Having escaped the Yue clan territory, Xue Yang managed to reach the small town of travellers rest.

It was a town with a vibrant and active nightlife, filled with lowlifes and those seeking entertainment and pleasure.

It was the kind of place where death wasn't uncommon and Xue Yang would be able to find someone to feed on.

Even if the worst came to be and he accidentally killed someone, odds are nobody would ask any questions.

It wasn't rare for a cultivator or even a mortal to die thanks to a disagreement.

The first thing Xue Yang planned to do was find a place to stay once the morning sun came.

Unfortunately for Xue Yang, he was low on coins and the odds of finding a place to stay would prove challenging at best.

Despite this he had to try, maybe his fortune would turn for the better.

Making his way into the lively main street, Xue Yang looked around.

Inns and brothels littered the busy street as eye-catching lanterns decorated and illuminated the night.

Warriors, cultivators and mortals littered the streets drinking and having a good time. Here there were no barriers between them. Everyone had the same purpose of having fun and enjoying life.

As he walked past these people and places, Xue Yang could feel many eyes following him intently.

As he passed people would stop talking and blatantly stare at him as if they had just seen something unimaginable.

Xue Yang felt as if something was amiss but he couldn't place his finger on it.

"Is the Crimson Monk still so well known?"

This was the most realistic conclusion he could come to.

Having been a shut-in most of his life, the true reason for their stares would have never crossed Xue Yang's mind.

Even in his past life as Dennis, Xue Yang was a handsome man. However, with the awakened Heaven Devouring Physique, his looks reached an entirely different level.

Those looking on the street couldn't believe what they were seeing. It was as if a deity of beauty had descended upon the mortal plane.

Some warriors stopped drinking thinking they were hallucinating. 

Fearing an early grave less seasoned cultivators completely averted their gazes, believing an immortal had descended to the lower heavens.

As he passed them some women momentarily forgot to breathe. His good looks were literally taking their breaths away.

Xue Yang had to walk a fair bit before he managed to find the shabbiest-looking Inn.

He knew that what he had wouldn't afford him the best accommodation out there so this was his best bet.

He could see rotting wood and dirty windows that looked like they had never been cleaned. It was shocking that the building was standing. At first glance, one might even mistake it to be abandoned.

Yet people still sat inside drinking and laughing, proving that with enough alcohol in their system, people would accept almost everything.

It wasn't a place he would call fit for humans but he had no other choice.

Xue Yang attempted to step through the threshold of the Inn but something he had completely forgotten about stopped him in his tracks.

As he tried to put his foot through the entrance he was greeted by an invisible force.

Xue Yang was puzzled momentarily and tried a couple more times to get any of his limbs past the door. 

But no matter what he did he still couldn't make it through even a fraction of a millimeter.

The whole scene looked like a mime act to those inside and if not for his otherworldly good looks someone might have mocked him.

The innkeeper called out to Xue Yang, "Why are you standing out there? Come inside if you want to. Otherwise, leave and stop blocking my business."

With that, the invisible force that was halting his progress disappeared as if it was never there in the first place.

"Right, it's been so long that I forgot about this."

The simulation was originally started many years earlier. Because of this Xue Yang had forgotten that he designed it so vampires would be unable to enter buildings without being invited inside.

Fortunately, the innkeeper only cared about making money and while his motivation for saying so was less than pure, he had still invited Xue Yang inside, reminding him of yet another flaw of the vampires in his world.

Xue Yang smiled and thanked the innkeeper, "Thank you for inviting me inside."

"Why would you thank me for that?" The innkeeper scoffed while cleaning some drinking glasses.

"It's part of my culture, one cannot enter a building without an invitation."

"What a ridiculous custom, doesn't it get frustrating?"

"You're right, it does but I have no choice."

Raising his eyebrows the man asked, "What if I hadn't told you to come inside?"

"Then I guess I would have had to go somewhere else and blame my lack of good fortune." Xue Yang chuckled.

The man snorted before replying, "So what are you after? Are you looking for a room, or maybe something to drink? We have the most affordable and best-tasting wine in town. The man boasted.

"I'm looking for a room. I don't need it at this moment in time but I will need it during the day."

"Well you're in luck, we have only one room remaining and as it so happens it's the best one we have to offer."

"And how much would it be?"

"As it's the last and best room the price is higher than normal. It will be 45 copper coins per night."

Xue Yang's eyes almost bulged from shock. That price was outrageous for such a rundown place. Even if it was the best room in the inn, he didn't believe that it was worth anywhere near that price.

"You're kidding me right?" Xue Yang scowled.

"What am I kidding about?" the innkeeper inquired.

"That price is insane, have you seen the state of this place? It's practically falling apart and you want to charge me so much? I'm sure even the worst room at any other establishment would be better than the best one here."

Taking offence the man growled, "Then go to one of those places, I have no need for someone with no coins to pay."

Xue Yang knew that people had to make a living and usually he'd drop it even when someone was obviously trying to scam him.

However, his bloodlust was currently at an extremely high level and every fibre of his being was screaming at him to tear that man apart.

Just as the last shred of his rationality was going to snap a faint voice reached his ears as a small and delicate hand grabbed the sleeve of his robe.

"Ehm, excuse me?"

Xue Yang turned to face the source of the voice and was greeted by the face of a beautiful woman.

She had blue eyes that sparkled like sapphires, her black hair was neatly tied and adorned with expensive-looking accessories.

She had small pink lips that were further enhanced by her flawless and pure-looking skin.

She was wearing a beautiful and intricate white robe with golden trim that reflected the surrounding light.

She had one of her hands up to her mouth and nervously twitched her fingers.

"Yes?" Xue Yang asked the woman, curious as to what she wanted.

Blushing she avoided his gaze and stammered, "I-If you'd like I have a place you could stay."

Xue Yang stared at her for a moment, trying to ascertain what this woman wanted from him.

This caused the woman to blush even further and lower her face in an attempt to hide her reaction.

She couldn't believe such a handsome man existed, yet his intense gaze also sent shivers down her spine.

His crimson eyes gave off a dangerous feeling like that of a wild untamed beast.

"Could she perhaps be interested in me?" he thought.

While he wasn't a genius when it came to women, even a blind man could tell this beauty's intention.

She had spotted Xue Yang from her window when he first entered the town and as if she was in a trance, she followed Xue Yang all the way here.

When she saw this handsome man was unable to pay for a place to stay, she took that as an opportunity to do something she had never done before and invite a man to stay the night with her.

Feeling no malice from her, Xue Yang had no reason to refuse the goodwill gesture and he happily accepted.

Showing her a radiant smile he thanked her.

"Thank you very much, it would be my pleasure to accept your offer."

She froze for a moment upon hearing those words and looked at Xue Yang blankly before coming back to her senses.

"Ah, yes. Then please follow me." She smiled and quickly turned around hiding her face in her hands out of embarrassment and left the inn.

"What an interesting girl." Xue Yang smirked before following closely behind.