Had I known when it was the end, I swear to Heaven that I would treasure every hour, every minute, and every second that I spent. Had I known this was the end, I'm sure I would have fixed everything before that.

If I knew this was the last...

I will never let it go until the final line.

Now, everything seems useless. Every step that I take is useless. Every action, every effort... Everything seems too late.

It's too late.


The morning sun tortures Karin in such a gentle way when it shines brightly on her face. She opens up my eyes only to find herself alone in the room. Khittan is nowhere to be found.

Last night, it was magical. When finally both of them open up and clear things up, Karin feels the whole burden in her chest dispersed just like that. Right now, her main focus is to make Khittan happy and be a good lady for him. Karin smiles, thinking about what stores for them in the future. They did talk about it.

It makes her blush to ever think about it.

She too, decided to tell Jun Seo about her decision. She knows he loves her, but she can't bring herself to love him back just like how he loves Karin. For that, Karin hopes he can understand. She made up her mind. She won't budge.

It's Khittan, for sure.

Seems like the PC works well but the connection is bad. Karin tried multiple times to connect but there's an interruption. She tries to find her phone but then remembers her phone got smashed when her father hit her yesterday.

Now what?

Karin decides to wash up and wait. Perhaps the line got disrupted because of the bad weather. It's dark outside all of a sudden. Maybe the storm is coming.

While looking for a charger, Karin notices a white envelope on the top of the side table. It had her name on it. Must be from Khittan. She smiles like a naughty girl. This man is surely a hopeless romantic.

Karin decides not to read it yet. She wanna tease him by reading the letter right in front of him.

"My lady, breakfast is ready," someone comes and knocks on the door. Karin comes out from the room, and straight into the kitchen. She suddenly feels uneasy, but she brushes the bad thoughts away.

"Can you please call Prince Khittan and ask him if he wanna stop by for lunch? I wanna prepare the food if he wants to," Karin leisurely asks the maid for help. The girl looks at her friend. They exchange glances, so obvious that Karin can catch it with the corner of her eyes.

"My lady, I'm sorry but today is the last day,"

"Last day?"

"We were instructed by the Crown Prince to clear the premises before 5 pm..."

"He didn't inform me that,"

They look at each other.

"Where is he?"


"My lady..."

A man walks towards her with an envelope in his hand. A Royal Seal pops up, the first thing that caught Karin's attention.

"What is this?"

"Official order from the Royal Council..."

Karin hastily grabs the envelope and opens the letter.

"...hereby would like to announce the engagement between The Royal Highness Prince Kit Than Houlsey, The Crown Prince of Fransco, from the House of Houlsey, and Her Honorable Lady Karin Sun, from the House of Sun is officially..."

She slumps on the chair. Tries to process the information.


The engagement is off.


Hereby, it also stated that:-

1. The protection program by The Royal Protection is no longer activated. Therefore, the subject needs to leave the premises before 5 pm local time.

2. The subject is no longer a part of The House of Sun and is free to decide whether to keep the citizenship or not. The subject is advisable to decide as soon as possible, within 3 years.

3. Any charges made against the subjectless evoked and the subject is free to live as she pleases.

4. The subject shall not have any contact with The Royal Family except for personal matters such as funerals and weddings.

Karin leans against the window, watching the rain staining the glass. She wanna cry but somehow her tears won't come out. The emotion mixes; sad, betrayed, anger, and relief. More confusing to be honest.

When she thought everything was done in a good term, this circumstance was out of reach for her. In the very last checkpoint, Khittan betrays her trust. He left. Not only that, he puts up a huge wall that is impossible to penetrate. On the good side, she has her freedom.

But she lost Khittan as a price.

Karin musters her courage. It's time to move on. There is no use in waiting when the person pushes you away. What's the point of begging for love, when in the end, she suffers?

Karin wipes the last drop of tears from her eyes, grabs her bag, and is ready to leave when she catches a glimpse of the white envelope that she saw this morning.

She feels like wanting to read the content and ensure herself that perhaps, that's what she needs as a proper closure.

Karin holds her breath and opens the envelope.


"Lady Karin... Lady Karin!"

She shoves away the maid who blocks her way in hasty. Running along the aisle of the room on the second floor in tears.

"Lady Karin! Lady Karin! Wait!"

She unbothers the girl when she pleads. Her feet run faster when she sees a man in a suit right in front of her.

"Tell me, where is Khit now? Tell me where The Crown Prince is?!!" she grabs his collar, forcing the guy to step back in fear.

"I don't know, my lady..."

"Tell me! Just fucking tell me!" she shakes his body so badly that the man almost turned blue.

"His Highness... He... On the way back..."

Say no more! Karin shoves the man away. She runs towards the entrance before halting a bit. Her eyes caught a sparkling cupboard just beside the entrance.

Karin grabs the key from the cupboard, along with the helmet on the way to the entrance.

"Lady Karin! Lady Karin!"

She didn't care anymore. Quickly grabs the leather jacket and dons the jacket. She looks at the Yamaha R6 with tears in her eyes.

Hope she can make it on time.