
Dear Karin,

It's not my intention to betray us. It's far from what I want us to be. If you can see how hard is for me to leave, you must acknowledge how much I love you.

But I guess, the happily ever after never existed in this lifetime of us. I had to choose between my love for you and your freedom. If I chose us, you may suffer from the torture, not only from your family but mine as well.

The Royal Council decided to put you on extradition after what happened between you and General Sun. He asked the council to grant the warrant. I did what I could within my power to stop that from happening. I love you, and I know this is not what you should deserve. I want you to come back as a volunteer, instead of being a prisoner in your own country.

But, the harm that happened before made my family sour. To be honest, our engagement was not approved by my mother. But my strong will to have you as my wife has made me absolute with my decision. When the controversy happened, my mother asked the council if the engagement could be terminated. But, I begged her not to.

And now, I guess she has the right to stop us.

After a long thinking, I guess the true meaning of loving you is to let you go. Even if my heart shatters in pieces, even if perhaps you will hate me forever, I rather be the bad guy. As long as you are happy.

Karin, your happiness is my virtue. Your smile is my vaccine. Your pain is like a poison to me. I feel like wanna kill every single soul that hurts you, mentally and physically. But I know, that's not gonna solve anything. I might end up being a bad guy. Just like in our previous life.

So I chose to leave. You will gain your freedom and you will be free to love anyone that you want to. As for me, don't worry. I know how to revive myself. But I just want you to know something.

I'll never stop loving you, my wife.



"Yug, please tell me you're with Khittan..."


"Please, Yug! Please!"

"Yes. We are at the airport-"

"Hello? Hello?!"

The only thing that Karin can hear right now is the static sound. She cuts the call and focuses on the road.

Destination: Airport.


"What a crowd!" Fun sighs deeply after manages to board the agency's black van. He glances at Yunta, who probably is half dead in the back seat. He had a massive jetlag.

"Poor Hyung! He had the biggest crowd..."

"Now I feel grateful not to be born as handsome as him..." says Wei.

"I heard that, Wei..."

"Deep condolences, Hyung..." Wei rubs his palms against each other, seeking forgiveness.

Jun throws his sight outside the window. When they arrived at the airport, there was no sight of Karin. He starts feeling uneasy. To be truth, he feels more devastated rather than uneasy.

He recalled the promise that he and Karin made. If Karin accepts his proposal, she will be here by now. It seems like she might changed her mind in between. Jun curses silently. He feels somehow like crying.

"Jun, what's wrong?" asks Fun. Jun shakes his head in tiny and smiles a bit. It's not the right time to cry or be gloomy. He can always meet Karin later and discuss this. Right now, he needs to gather with Hope Boys first.

Work comes first, that's what Karin always said.


"Peo Hyung, what's with this traffic?" asks Yunta. The van just drives out from the airport, but there's a suspicious crowd at the main entrance. Rain falls in the midst, but not that heavy.

"I don't know... Not sure, Yun..."

Fun takes a peak from the black curtain that covers the window.

"Looks like an accident, Hyung..."

Now, everyone is eager to have a look outside the window. Jun, who was in the blue before takes a slow peek. He looks at the site when he catches a familiar glimpse...

"Peo Hyung! Stop the van!" he yells all of a sudden. Peo steps on the break, and halts the van with a surprise look.

"What the hell, Jun?!"

"Move!" he pushes the front seat in hasty, making Wei almost jump on the top of Fun. As he runs outside the van, they watch him in a confused mind.

"What's wrong with him?" asks Fun.

"We should follow him. Now!" Yunta unbuckles his seat belt and pursues Jun from behind. His main concern now is the press.

Jun walks in a hurry towards the scene with a loud thumping in his heart. There is something that caught his attention and made him abandon the van. He saw something familiar, something that relates to someone. And him.

"What happened?" he asks a guy who is standing in the crowd.

"There's an accident. The motorcycle was making a turn towards the entrance when it slipped and fell..."

Jun's eyes waver as he slowly walks toward the paramedic team.

Please don't be it! Please don't be it! He prays nonstop silently.

When he reaches the scene, he sees something that he doesn't wanna see. The body of Karin, with a bloody head, wearing his leather jacket. The jacket that he gave to her during their theme park date. He recognized the jacket. It is a custom-made jacket for his previous album. Only Hope Boys has the jacket.

That made him stop the van just now.

"Noooona!!!" he runs towards the body. The paramedic team is trying their best to save her. Jun struggles in the army of paramedic personnel who try to stop him from getting closer to Karin's body.

Yunta, Fun, Wei, and Peo can only stare from afar, watching Jun finally manage to get closer to Karin, who is not on the stretcher.

"Noona, wake up Noona, please!! I'm sorry I doubt you! Please wake up! Please!! Noonnaaaa!!!" Jun yells his lungs out.

"I'm sorry sir, but we have to move now..."


Yunta quickly runs towards Jun and tries to calm him down.

"Excuse me, but can he tag along?" Yunta calmly asks the paramedic.

"Who is he?"

"I'm her boyfriend," Jun answers without hesitation. Yunta looks at the paramedic. Then slowly, he nods.

"Fine. You can tag along..."

Jun quickly runs towards the ambulance. Yunta freed himself from the crowd.

"Peo Hyung. Follow the ambulance. We need to go to the hospital now..."

"Let's go," says Peo. They hurriedly ran towards the black van.

"What now, Hyung?" asks Fun.

"I need to call the manager-nim..."


Meanwhile, on the other side of the town...

The plane is still at the plane pad. The pilot keeps checking the system while the flight attendance serves the passengers some refreshments.

A man watches the cloud that floats away from the Sun. His heart is in pain and heavy.

"Your Highness... There is no sign of anyone entering the airport..." a lady slowly approaches the plane's door.

"Can we wait for another five minutes?"

"I'm afraid we can't sire..."

There is a deep silence in between conversations.

"Please... Five more minutes..."

"No need, Yug. Let's go,"

Every eye is looking at Khittan now. He glances at Yug.

"Certainly, Your Highness..."

Khittan continues watching the Sun shining from his window in his private jet. Slowly, tears flow from his eyes as the jet takes off from the private airport.

Goodbye Karin, my wife...