Lunchtime ended a few hours ago, but still, Ivry refuses to let me go home. I can see how hard she tries to stop me from leaving. She continues chit-chatting and asks me to accompany her to watch a movie.

I'm okay with that, but somehow I feel uneasy when her boyfriend is around. It's not like he is a bad guy or what, but I can't stop looking at him and getting this kind of familiar vibe from him. I feel like I have known him for years!

I don't want Ivry to get the wrong idea about it. I mean, how can I constantly glare at her boyfriend and be cool about it? Of course, I look sus! I try my best not to present myself in the same room with him. Still, he always follows us around!

I forgot this is his house. Bleak!

"Hey, I have to pick up this call. Be right back!" Ivry leaves me alone in the reading room. We just finished watching a movie. So, I decided to walk around to stretch my back and my legs.

I feel amazed by the room. It has two sections that are divided by a glass partition; the entertainment section, the one where I watched the movie just now, and the reading section. It feels like a university library but more cozy and private.

What I like the most about the library is the arrangement of these books. They were arranged according to the genre, just exactly like in a library. As I skimmed around the shelves, my eyes caught a book.


Fransco? How did the book end up being in here? In this stranger's country?


I turn my head towards the voice. A man leans his side at the door frame. It's Ivry's boyfriend.

"Well, for someone who lives far from home, of course I am..." I put the book back on the shelf.

"You can borrow that book. Return it when you're done," he slowly approaches me. I step back a few inches away from him, making a distance between us.

"It's okay, Mr. Khit-"

"Call me Khit. Just be casual," he says.


"It's Khittan. Khit is a pet name. Only those who are close to me called me by that name,"

My mind goes bleak. Those who are close... I mean, he just knows me today, yet he asks me to call him like that.

"I guess I should call you Khittan, then! We just know each other today..."

"Believe me, we know each other well enough. Besides, Khit sounds familiar to you, isn't it?"

I swear to God if this is the way he wanna throw himself at me, I will seriously back off and run.

Yet, somehow... My body works differently from my brain. My mind asks me to run, but my body sticks around like I'm being glued to the ground. His gaze penetrates slowly into mine, making me blush.

And, I admit that I like it so much!

"It's time..."

I blink and stun. That voice. That words.

Resist him, Karin! Resist!!

I step back and fix my composure.

"I'm gonna check on Ivry..." I make an excuse to run away. Quickly storm out from the library straight into the toilet.

I check myself in the mirror. What's with this pinkish cheek that I have!? Come on, Karin! Wake up! What's wrong with you?!

Suddenly, I feel dizzy. My mind seems wandering around. I can see a glimpse. Some glimpse now. Everything mixes up like a trailer of a movie. All those fragments of my dream scatter around like a puzzle. I feel a sting in my head. Like someone pierced it from the outside.

That's when my world feels blank.


"I told you to stay, yet you refuse!"

Ivry helps me go down the stairs. I smile a bit and slowly let her go.

"It's fine. I have to go. I left my meds at home..." Ivry grabs my wrist and pulls me closer a bit.

"I'm sorry. What if something happens to you while you're alone?"

I look at her, feeling sorry and unfortunate. However, I don't wanna bother her. Besides, this is her boyfriend's house. I don't wanna feel super awkward after what I did with Khittan just now. Even though it's not wrong.

Yet I feel so wrong! And ashamed of myself for having such a thought!

"Are you sure you gonna be just fine?" asks Ivry. The girl is now in a state of almost crying. I tuck her jacket properly and nod.

"Don't worry. I'm gonna be just fine..."

"At least, let Khittan send you home!"

I look at that man. He is ready with his car key. I frown and shake my head in tiny.

"I don't wanna bother him..."

"He was born for that!"

"I already booked my ride!"

"Cancel it! Now! I'll pay for the compensation fee!" Ivry tries to snatch my phone. I refuse to let her touch it.

"Let me send you home. Besides, this house is quite far from the city. Most of the rides refuse to fetch passengers from this area," Khittan says.

"Please... For me. Only this once!"

My glance shifts from Khittan to Ivry. Now, I feel reluctant. Both of them seem to refuse to let me go by myself!

"Fine! Okay!"

Ivry yelps in happiness when I finally give up and let Khittan send me home.

Now, this will be a hard ride!


I can't hide my relief thoughts once the car stops in front of my house. The journey was smooth, but the air seemed too awkward for me. I spent my time looking out the window. There was no communication at all.

However, I did notice that Khittan wouldn't stop glaring at me. Almost all the time, his eyes were looking at me. Or, is it me who is delusional? I mean, why must he keep checking another girl when he has one of his own?

"Thanks for the ride..."

"Are you living alone?" suddenly, Khittan asks.

How am I gonna answer the question?

"For now, yes. But my boyfriend always spends the night here. If he's not busy..."

"Jun, right?"

My eyes get wide.

"Yeah, his name is Jun. Jun Seo. How did you know?" I ask him.

He keeps staring at me, with no replies whatsoever. My curiosity peeks up when he mentioned Jun's name.

"Ivry told me. She knows your boyfriend is a rapper idol. She's a fan..."

"Ivry is a Hope Bunnies?"

"I think, she only listens to music. And it happens that your boyfriend's band is famous worldwide. Who doesn't know HOPE BOYS, right?" Khittan explains.

That makes sense. By now, even a kindergarten child knows them. Especially after they won the Top Social Artist Award.

"Are you happy?"

His question makes me startled. It feels like he has known me for so long! Imagine, would you rather ask the question to a stranger? Unless you're a psychiatrist or therapist. Sometimes, even our parents never care to ask!

At least, mine never cares!

"You must be delighted to have Ivry as your girlfriend!" I didn't answer his question, instead, I dragged him into a pit of a trap. I wanna know if he is a good boyfriend for Ivry. The last time, he made her cry.

"She's a bit childish..."

"She acts like that because she wants your attention. Don't blame her for that!" I put up my defenses.

"I don't know if she's the one that I want,"

I pause a bit. I don't know how to react. I'm supposed to scold him big time, but in some parts, I feel pity for him. My heart melts all of a sudden.

"Hey. She's the one for you. She loves you so much. Please don't break her heart! I know it's hard to be with someone that you don't love. But love can be nourished,"

Yeah right, Karin. Smack those words on your face!

"That's how you did with your boyfriend? Force yourself to love him?"

"Excuse me, sir... But I love Jun. There is no need to build up the feelings-"

"No. You don't,"

I frown, eyes swatting him. He keeps his sight on me. I noticed that ever since we started the conversation. He never leaves his sight, not even once.

"Mr. Know-it-all, you have no right to accuse me. We just met today, and you never met him for once. Your assumption is nothing but ridiculous," my voice stern while defending myself.

"Believe me. You don't,"

"I think you are crossing the line, Khittan!"

He leans himself so close to me. So close that the gap between us is just as long as my finger.

"So, tell me. If you love Jun, why you are here?"

"You insist on sending me home!"

"Why weren't you avoiding me when we first met?"

"What do you mean?"

Khittan's finger slowly brushes my cheek.

"You can always walk away when I talk to you at the library. But instead, you talk to me while standing so close to me. You never bother to step back or make a space in between, just like how we are now..."

I push him away when I realize he was right. I should always watch myself, but I don't know why I keep drawing myself towards him.

"Too late for that, I guess!"

Khittan grabs my wrist to halt me from pushing him further.

"Now, ask yourself. Did you love your boyfriend?" Khittan questions me again, slowly leaning closer and closer.

My mind goes berserk once again!

What is happening to me?!