Elizabeth's diary (2)

Dear diary, I don't know why but Edward said to start my diary like this.

When Edward and I had our first child he was more worried than I was, he keeps trying to stuff me with food and apples, every day he was looking at everything I did, honestly I was feeling a little anxious about all this. That pressure, but also I was very happy with his concern, that day I bragged to my friend Marie all day about how much my Edward cared about me.

When our son was born Edward said we should name him Frederick Von Habsburg, I don't understand why he gave him three names.

(Later in our life I asked him why he said it was because Von meant: "coming from", and Habsburg means: "Emperor of all dragons", and Von Habsburg means: "coming from the house of the Emperor of dragons")

on our 'wedding' day. (About 45 days after she said YES).

he said: "Elizabeth we are getting married that means that, like the stories I told about the Dragons that you adore, they and I, we can only have one partner and that they will make an agreement to share their whole life with their partner, the dragon then you'll lose your eternal life just to be able to live with your partner eternally,(this may seem paradoxical but it's not, it's like our our world's marriage, but without the till death do us part part, which i'm indicating is that even after death they will still be one), and so from now on you are I invite you to have one more name that we will share.

He told me he would only say our names after the wedding, and wedding night, 'I didn't know what it was but at the time I expected it and when the day came it was magical'.

Then two days later he announced our new names in the central square:

"My people, I come to announce a new invention, I call it a surname, and from now on my wife and I will have the same surname, the surname is superwritten over the family surname, for example when someone's daughter marries a independent partner of the old surname, and each family can only have one surname, and as many middle names as you like, henceforth my wife and I will be known respectively as: Edward Habsburg and Elizabeth Habsburg"

Those three days were one of the happiest of my, Our lives.

But unfortunately the happiness didn't last long after I realized (actually it was Edward who noticed) and told my husband he was shocked (pretending) and is very happy when he went to tell his father he said: "son now you is a real man and is ready to take over our tribe after I'm gone", Edward:"That old man you'll still come a long way so I can assume when I've lived 18 summers, (she's assuming he said summers instead of years, because Edward failed miserably to explain the concept of Years without a precious calendar, he has a calendar but he doesn't know what day it is currently), and you will see me taking our tribe to places you never imagined" that's what Edward said smiling beautifully (from her point of view), then his father said: "you know sometimes I wonder how your mother is there in valhalla", that was their last conversation the next morning when Edward went to at his house he was sleeping and never woke up.

All I saw was when I went 3 hours later because Edward was taking so long to come back then I found him looking perplexed at his father, partner that his eyes had lost his light and life, so I asked: "Edward why didn't you wake up your father?", it looked like his eyes had regained some light.

You know I'm not an idiot I had already realized that something wasn't wrong when Edward took 3 hours to come back, so when I saw him I realized that I had to act like an idiot to distract him so he could accept his loss easier, like the stories Edward tells me...