New Life again...(1)

Sorry for not posting sooner, I was preparing for my college exam that is taking place this week.

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The 3rd century BC

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Edwardian(Austrian) calendar year: 320(263 bc)

It's already five years after my reincarnation, again, it didn't take me long to accept this fact, but when my royal education began and I had access to the royal family's library, I was able to read the royal family's diaries, (these diaries were written under the influence of of Elizabeth, who to teach them to read and write their diaries just as Edward gave her).

Thanks to them I can have some knowledge of the situation in the Kingdom today:

The current political system in force is a 'parliamentary' constitutional monarchy of a unitary state, this system is an evolution of the warrior assembly system of the proto-Germanic tribes.

In fact, it is an absolute monarchy, with the powers of parliament being consutative and executive, parliament does not have the power to create laws in the name of the monarch, whereas the opposite is true, the monarch can make laws in the name of parliament.

the parliament designed by Edward is one of the ways to guarantee the powers of the monarch, Edward in drafting the constitution guaranteed the inalterability of the monarch's powers, in all sectors of politics, powers of dissolution of the central government, and the regional government can be divided In two types direct democratic and representative, there is currently political and succession stability.

But it is not only in the constitution that guarantees the powers of the monarch, Edward also during the religious 'reform' of the proto-Norse faith basically follows the molds of Roman orthodox Christianity, but with major differences, for example in the Austrian faith ('Post-Reformation' ), explained in a similar way to our modern understanding, of the origin of the universe and its end, Edward wrote in the sacred texts of the Austrian faith about the ways of ascending to Valhalla and they are: loyalty to the Habgusgo dynasty as being the most important factor .

With contributing to 'saving the world (universe)' with the production and sharing of knowledge among those of the Austrian faith and making many children, with leadership to the Habsburg dynasty being the most basic requirement, of course things like companionship, love for others, Fidelity when collaborating and repulsion to murder... are also important things to go to Valhalla, also being a basic requirement, but loyalty has a transcendental status, ensuring that even if you don't meet the requirements, even if you go to hell(that word was chosen, for his strong chuno in Portuguese, causing more fear and admiration to the Austrians, when Edward was trying to explain the concept of hell, based on Dante's hell,) you will not receive punishments you will stay there for a while to judge and be reborn (in another world) so he can have another chance to go to Valhalla, but just one more.

But loyalty to the monarch has a transcendental status, ensuring that even if you don't meet the requirements, even if you go to hell (this word was chosen for its strong meaning in Portuguese, causing more fear and admiration to the Austrians, when Edward was trying to explain the concept of hell, based on Dante's hell,) you will not receive punishments you will stay there for a while to judge and be reborn later so you can have another chance to go to Valhalla, but only one more. but loyalty has a status transcendental, ensuring that even if you don't meet the requirements, even if you go to hell(this word was chosen for its strong chuno in Austrian Portuguese, causing more fear and admiration to the Austrians, when Edward was trying to explain the concept of hell, based on hell of Dante,) you will not receive punishments you will stay there for a while to judge and be reborn later so you can have another chance to go to Valhalla,

And finally, all schools must teach about loyalty to the monarch, criticism of the monarch but not the government is prohibited (parliament was basically created to receive criticism in the place of bad monarchs)

The population structure is estimated at 13.52 million people (the government carries out censuses, but it is a recent thing so it is a little far from the real population of the kingdom and is not counting the people who are Germanic with cultural, linguistic and religious, if you count them in total, it would be 20~22 million people) and most of the people are on the European continent in the great European plain, with farmers making up a large part of the population, but the richest are the merchants and aristocrats, the king (The royal family has a number of artisan merchants and others who are affiliated with the royal family, they are under the supervision of servants of the royal family,government, and the Ministry of Investigation and Corruption (M.I.C) and the Austrian Espionage and Intelligence Agency (AEIA)).

Society as a whole is satisfied with the government and the prestige of the royal family towards the people is growing upwards thanks not only to religion, but mainly thanks to the dividends from the expansion of the Kingdom and the army's land acquisition policy, A large part of the land is concentrated in the hands of small land "owners" and the large "owners" are actually descendants of the chiefs of the tribes and members of the council of warrior Germanic tribes.

As part of the kingdom's assimilation policy they can keep their properties, in fact it is a policy of Edward Frederick's son for less resistance to being conquered, they form the aristocracy like the mercantile and/or agrarian class, but the main reason for the creation of the nobility is for senators and ministers to fight against the nobles and vice versa while the king has a key and irreplaceable, transcendent role in the government.

The economy is doing well with a positive trade surplus for several years, the kingdom barely imports, but exports grains, salt, tools, weapons (spears and swords...), books and paper, thanks to years of surplus we have a large circulation of wealth within the kingdom, we have had enough gold and silver to mint coins for at least 270 years with the discovery of silver and gold mines in the German region and thanks to this the kingdom can have an unprecedented territorial expansion by conquering the peninsula from Scandinavia and almost the entire area of modern Germany up to the Vistula River but without going east of it, all of the Netherlands, parts of Belgium, the entire island of Great Britain, Ireland, Iceland, parts of the coastal areas around the Baltic Sea territorial expansion occurring from the Baltic Sea to the lands that surround it.

Artistically society as a whole is divided between two groups of artistic thought, the two movements emerged as a gradual evolution of the culture of the Austrian people(Proto-Germanic, Breton/Celtic), these artistic movements place great emphasis on dragons, magic,

One is more focused on the mythological aspect of Austrian culture, and the other on society as a whole. (The second was sponsored by the royal family with the aim of creating a common identity and uniting conquered peoples culturally and linguistically through books, arts, poetry, stories and music).