New life - (2)


Chapter 2 - new life, same kingdom...

Year 320(263 bc) 

Having to be a baby once again was a pain, the only good thing was having the same name again Edward, known as the future Edward IV. Because it seems that I am the heir to the throne since my father (descendant) is already old. 

'Being a prince has its advantages in varieties of food for example bread, meat, spices, potatoes...!!!' 

'Holy shit, how did the kingdom get potatoes, could it be...' 

(Some time later)

I didn't see maps  with another continent/lands besides Iceland so it can only be that the person who found it couldn't and died when they are close to the Port for their ship to be found or/and  someone deliberately hid it. 

Probably someone rich or from the royal family, but thanks to potatoes we can have explosive population growth in the northernmost areas of the kingdom such as Scandinavia, the United Kingdom (British Isles and Ireland), Germany, especially in the Great Plain, perhaps this growth will last for centuries. 

The sale of potatoes across the Mediterranean and Black Sea generates several profits but thanks to traders they increased the price to a very high level as it is an "exotic" product, but this did not last long, about 13 years other traders started price wars which reduced profit from potato sales but the price has now normalized. 

Thanks to potatoes, in addition to a large population growth, farmers have more free time thanks to the ease of growing potatoes and so they began to raise animals such as pigs, cattle, sheep, horses and chickens and domestic animals such as dogs and cats on a large scale. . 

In addition to this process increasing farmers' income, it also increases the diversity of dishes that people consume and thanks to religion (Edward put analogies to evolution in the sacred texts of religion, and when people tried it and saw that it worked) there is a genetic selection of animals and plants, thus creating animals and plants more suitable for growth and meat and milk yield. 

But the best thing about all these changes in my opinion is the tomato, I can finally eat pizza again and when I ate it, I confess that I cried with happiness. 

(A few days later) 

The changes in society during my absence are too great, firstly thanks to winter and the free time that comes with it for farmers, many farmers can read and write since as children they went to winter school(like children(about 8 years old they start) they don't work in agriculture in winter, schools work more in winter) we can have several activities in addition to schooling during this period, for example during winter one of people's favorite pastimes are games and they are: chess, poker, and the most popular one to play with the family D&D... 

It seems to be very popular to play D&D from nobles to common people, this game spread to the population through nobles, including only one company that produces and sells D&D, the name of the company is:

Royal manufactured and associated products, and school. 

I believe Firmino that this is not a plan by the royal family and the government to introduce the Austrian language by subtle means to the entire population because other businesswomen produce other RPG games, for example Royal Rpg for Nobles... which has nothing to do with with the royal family as you can see. 

But seriously, this plan is great to influence the spoken language of the kingdom through subtle means, although this political approach has been discontinued recently, it is no longer necessary due to the situation, a complete linguistic, cultural and religious unification. 

Which occurred since the foundation of the kingdom and 'ended' 30 years ago throughout the entire territory, it can be said that everyone on the territory of the empire is Austrian with few differences between the languages between the provinces, thanks to all being connected via the sea, it made possible, little regionalization of the language, of course another important factor is the direction of the central government creating a language standard, and migrating people from provinces closer to the central government and more populous to the newly conquered provinces, and bringing people from conquered provinces to provinces under control of the central government in which larger, and part of the population was Austrian and changing, people between the provinces already  conquered who spoke different languages, forcing them to communicate in the Austrian language. 

With political and social stability achieved after several years after the expansions, the central government has already begun planning the second expansion, it is in preparation, the first phase has already been completed of exploring the geography, sending priests/priests to convert the people of the areas before peacefully for less resistance when they are to be conquered, the chosen target is the east as it is a plain area adjacent kingdom, without large plateaus or mountains between the areas, because it has people without iron weapons with the exception of Macedonia, because it is closer to the Greeks who supply the kingdom with cotton, and mainly because it is sparsely populated compared to the Celts who frequently attack the borders of the kingdom, and when we dominated the English islands it took many people to convert the people who lived there and during that time there were several revolts, and this is the main reason for the kingdom to choose a different form of expansion than the one that is already taking place.