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The mysterious took mizak

By night, Prince Ivive, Teri and Melovine approached the chamber door of Darlene.

Prince Ivive cast a glance at Melovine ere he knocked.

There came no answer, so Prince Ivive had to open the door and they entered the chamber, but Darlene was nowhere to be seen.

"She is not here", Prince Ivive said as he surveyed the room.

"What?", Teri asked.

Prince Ivive widened his eyes and looked at Teri, "Teri, tell me you did not reveal our plan to Mizak?".

"What hath this to do with Mizak?", Melovine asked.

"Teri, tell me!", Prince Ivive shouted.

"I did! I did it to convince thee that Mizak is not the Mysterious. He cannot be!", Teri shouted.

"Then where is the illusionist? Why did you not listen to me , huh!", Prince Ivive shouted.

"Cease thy yelling at me! What?, are we so familiar with each other that you have the right to do that?

I bade Elley to watch him, we can go there now", Teri said.

Prince Ivive glanced at him and walked out from the chamber in a rage.


Prince Ivive, Teri and Melovine walked to Mizak's chamber.

The door was already ajar and Elley sat on the floor.

They went in and Prince Ivive looked around, "where is Mizak!"

Elley was trembling while she was on the floor and terrified, "it...it took him", she managed to say.

Teri heard the fear in her voice and got worried, "little sister, art thou well?"

She stood up, "I am well but I fear Mizak is not".

"Who took him?", Melovine asked.

"The Mysterious. And it left that on the wall with his blood", Elley said as she pointed at the wall.

Prince Ivive and Melovine turned their heads to the wall. It was the same language that was written on Lord Hoself's wall.

"We could not find whose blood it was used to write the words on my father's chamber wall but on Mizak's chamber wall, the blood belongeth to Mizak", Melovine said.

"When it wrote this it said, your brother and his friends are coming, they should read this. This message is meant for one of them", Elley said.

Someone entered the chamber in her white dress. It was the healer.

She looked at the wall, "The second time I am seeing bloody writing on a wall in this manor".

She looked at them, "remember".

"Remember?", Teri asked.

"What are you talking about", Prince Ivive asked impatiently.

"The writing on the morning wall. It is the word, remember", the healer said.

"Remember what?", Prince Ivive asked.

"We should worry about that later, let us find Mizak, who knows what that thing could have done to him", Teri said.

The healer looked at the ground and saw that there were drops of blood that led outside the chamber.

"There is a trail of blood on the floor, let us follow it", she said as she started following it and the others followed her.

With lamps in their hand they walked outside to an open space in the manor.

On the grassy ground, the trail of blood stopped. The healer panicked as she looked at the ground, it was as if something or someone was buried there recently.

Melovine screamed as she saw something on the ground. It was a hand from below the ground.

"What is it?", Teri asked.

"It is a hand on the ground", Melovine said in fear.

Teri panicked as he fell to the ground in fear wondering if it was Mizak as he searched the ground for the hand.

He touched the fingers and started digging with his hands hastily.

"What are ye waiting for!", Teri yelled as he panted in fear while digging.

Prince Ivive who did not know how to react to seeing the hand came to his senses.

Melovine, Elley and the healer dropped their lanterns on the ground and helped Teri.

"I'll ..., I'll go fetch a shovel", Prince Ivive stammered.

"Nay, it is shallow!" Teri yelled.

Prince Ivive nodded and dropped his lantern on the ground as he went down to help them.

They were done and Teri lifted the body from the ground.

"It is him" Elley said in panic.

Teri's heart sunk as he checked his pulse, "his heart is beating but it is slow, healer do something!".

The healer placed her hand on his chest as white lights emitted from her hand.

"How is he?", Teri asked impatiently.

"Near his death", a familiar voice said.

"That voice", Teri said, his voice was bitter.

Prince Ivive, Melovine and Elley turned their heads and stood when they saw the person. It was Darlene.

"Big sister, it is not safe now. The Mysterious is in the manor, please stay in your chambers", Elley said, anxiously.

Darlene sneered, "oh little sister, I know".

"Elley, that is not thy sister, that is the illusionist", Prince Ivive said.

"My sister is the illusionist?", Elley asked, confusedly.

"She is not, that is not Darlene. Elley, hide!", Teri said.

The Mysterious aura appeared and its presence was felt.

"Thou!", Teri said with pain.

Melovine unleashed her whip. Prince touched his belt for his extendable spear but realized late that he did not bring it. Elley reached for her back to pull her bow and arrow but also realized that she did not bring it.

Teri was filled with rage as he stood up. His silver hair rose and there was a red light that flowed from his chest to his hand to his red threads.

The Mysterious eerie voice chuckled, "I see you can now bring light from your core to thy thread, however be careful with that. You might end up killing an innocent person.

You know you art blind and thy ghost sister is not here to assist you. Do you think I did not know about her presence last time we fought?

Teri Ereen, oh Teri Ereen, you young one".

"If thou art not a coward, show thy true self and stop hiding in that shadow!", Melovine yelled as she swung her whip at it, but it vanished before she could touch it.

The Mysterious appeared behind her and hit her which made her unconscious.

Teri set his hand to fight and the Mysterious laughed.

"Teri, when will you understand you can not hurt me. I am not made of flesh and you will never be able to find my true self", it said.

"Sleep a little", the illusionist said as she blew dust from her hand and they all went unconscious.