mizak didn't know what happened

The dawn was breaking, and the birds were singing as they flew across the sky. The morning breeze was gentle and refreshing. The servants in the manor were busy with their chores.

Teri woke up to the sensation of a hand on his forehead.

He grabbed the hand and was ready to strike.

"It's me!", the healer said. She was wearing a white gown and her black hair was loose, falling over her shoulders. She sat on the edge of the bed near his head.

Teri felt the soft mattress under him and realized he was in a bed. He was puzzled as he remembered he was with the others outside.

"What am I doing here?", Teri asked as he sat up.

"Lord Hoself brought us back to our chambers last night and I was the first one to wake up. You don't have to worry, Elley is fine", she said.

"And what of Mizak?", Teri asked, hoping for a good answer.

The healer looked at him with concern. "He is alive, but he needs to rest. Lord Hoself tended to his wounds when I was unconscious, and when I woke up, he was the first person I went to heal.

What the Mysterious did to him was dreadful. Not only was he buried alive, but he was also badly injured before that.

But he is recovering now".

Teri placed his hand on his chest and breathed a sigh of relief. "If he is well, then that is good.

How about Prince Ivive and Melovine?", he asked.

"They are fine and awake. I don't know where Prince Ivive is, but Melovine and Elley are searching different places with the manor guards for your elder sister's body". The healer said.

Teri wiped his face with his hand and rested his elbow on his knees as he buried his face in his hands. "I know how Elley feels after finding out about her death. Maybe I should have told her when I also learned about it".

Teri wanted to call the healer, but he realized he didn't know her name.

"What is your name?", he asked the healer.

She looked at him with surprise and blushed. "Keira, Keira Caulder. You are the first person to ask for my name since I came to this manor.

"Keira, you said my mother was a saint. How did you know about her? Or were you lying to me just to get my attention? You seem like someone who is older than me", he said.

"Do you know where your mother came from?", she asked as she gazed at Teri.

"Delmos, she and my father were from there", Teri said confidently.

"Is that what she told you?", she asked as she continued to look at him, admiring his tousled morning hair.

Teri thought about it and realized that his mother never told him and he never asked. He only assumed that she was from there.

"I don't think she did", Teri said.

"Have you heard of Herl Kingdom? Your mother was a Herlian and I am also a Herlian", Keira said.

Teri shook his head slightly. "I don't think I know that place".

"I saw a painting of your mother, Ari, when she was young. She was a very beautiful woman and between you and your sister, Elley, you resemble her more", she leaned in to his face as she spoke and was about to touch his cheek.

Teri held her wrist firmly. "I know I look like my mother. But that does not mean you can touch my face. I don't like people touching me for no reason. You can only do that when you want to heal me", he said as he let go of her hand.

She smiled faintly as she pulled back her hand and leaned away. "It is fine and also I am not older than you. I am eighteen".

"I am seventeen", Teri said.

"One year means nothing", she said as she brushed her hair back with her hand.

Teri got up from his bed. "Please escort me to Mizak's chamber".

She nodded and got up. "I will".


As they made their way to Mizak's chamber in the lord's mansion,

"Teri", a voice hailed them. It was Prince Ivive. Teri and Keira halted.

Teri sneered as Prince Ivive approached him from behind.

"Your grace, I trust this has dispelled your suspicions about Mizak. Are you now contented?" Teri said with a mocking tone.

Prince Ivive faced him and gazed at him with remorse. "How can I be contented that my friend, Mizak, was wounded"

"Had we all gone together to Darlene's chamber, then what befell him would not have happened.

When you awoke, did you ever ponder what could have happened to Mizak if we had not reached him in time and if the healer had not been here?

I know not about you, but I would feel guilty unto death.

You said Mizak is your friend, then be a friend. If he is your foe, then make it clear. And if he is neither, also make it clear.

Your grace, Prince Ivive, please speak not of Mizak being the mysterious one again. I wish you a good day. Keira, let us go." Teri said as he and Keira resumed their walk to Mizak's chamber.

Prince Ivive watched them as they walked. He wanted to tell Teri that he also thought of the same thing. He felt guilty for what happened to Mizak. But since he could not say it, he only watched them as they walked away.


Keira rapped on Mizak's door softly, hoping not to disturb him if he was resting.

"Enter," she heard his voice from inside, weak but cheerful. She pushed the door open and stepped into the chamber, followed by Teri.

Mizak was sitting on his bed, propped up by pillows. His black hair was loose and tangled, and his face was pale. He looked up at Keira and Teri as they entered and smiled warmly.

"I came to see if you are feeling better," Teri said as he walked in trying to find a chair with his hands.

He managed to find a chair and sat down, facing Keira and mizak "Young master, you must have been terrified by what happened last night."

Mizak furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Terrified by what happened last night? What happened last night?"

"You do not remember?" Teri asked, astonished.

"I remember going to sleep last night and waking up this morning," Mizak said.

"He was not even awake when I came to heal him," Keira said.

"So you do not remember feeling any pain? I do not think you are a deep sleeper. That is strange," Teri said.

"I do not know what happened last night, but when I woke up, I saw this bloody writing on the wall. It says 'remember'," Mizak said as he turned his head towards the wall.

"Oh, it is still there. I thought it would be cleaned already," Teri said.

Prince Ivive stormed into Mizak's chamber, interrupting their conversation. His eyes met with Mizak's and he glanced at the healer and the squire. "Her body has been found," he announced, his voice grave.