The racing heartbeat under the palm

Joanna was now alone in her room.

Hearing the footsteps of the General getting further away, Joanna took a deep sigh. Her trembling hands moved up to touch her chest, feeling the racing beat of her heart pulsating under her palm.

There was an indescribable feeling inside her when she heard what he had just said to her. She tried to remind herself to not be swayed by every word coming from him. She knew why she reminded herself of that. With the passing of time, she could feel the seriousness and the weight in every word he spoke. Those were not empty words.

Laying her head on the two pillows that were stacked behind her back, Joanna looked at the white ceiling above her while trying to digest what had been said by the man who was not willing to annul their marriage. 

Why was he so adamant about maintaining their marriage? That question had been circling in Joanna's mind since she noticed the strong objection stated by the man.