Nothing to be hidden between husband and wife

Joanna saw the General purse his lips into a thin line, looking displeased at her response. 

She then heard him say, "Don't forget that you are the von Rodega family now, Joanna. And it is normal for von Rodega's doctor to check on the condition of their mistress. Besides…," Canillas trailed, capturing a hint of panic on her countenance. "You said before that you felt abandoned by your husband. Although I disagreed with you as I left for the battlefield at that time, I respect your feelings. Therefore, let me make amends, and let me show you that I care for you, dear wife," Canillas stated, an indescribable smile appearing on his face.

He then turned his head to the side, and nodded, gesturing to the man named Fabio, who stood a few steps away behind him, to come closer.

After tying the other side of the drapes that he had not drawn open before to the bedpost, Canillas lifted a chair that was available in the room and placed it next to the side of the bed.