To create a distance

And the man was indeed right as when he took an action the rampant woman turned quiet.

"After leaving without informing your husband of your exact location and passing him a message to return to his homeland alone, now you dare kick and hit him?" The man spoke, his low voice sounding deep and menacing. Straightening his body from the bending position as the impact he felt from the never-ending attack of the woman, the man now towered over the woman.

"Not even giving a consideration to the letter he left. And now you are going to kill him?" Another word came out of the man's lips. He looked down at the woman before him with a serious and hard expression. 

The hands, which grabbed the woman's wrists which were now positioned not far in front of his chest, tightened. And he seemed to not care even the dagger that was still held in her hand was pointed at his chest.