Hasegawa Aoi (Chapter 5)

I took my seat and opened up the textbook that I got last week. 

Hmmmm.....The syllabus here is quite advanced. I guess I need to put in more effort. I'll need to review this with Miyu. 

Before I know it, it's time for lunch. I guess I concentrated too much. Hmmmm....It seems like most of my new classmates is eating in the class. I wonder I there's a quieter place in the school. 

Decided on finding the perfect spot to have lunch, I took out the container with the food that the house cook prepared for me. 

I wonder what's the perfect place to go. Let's check the roof first if it's accessible. 

I wonder how to go on the roof. Ah there's the staircase going up that I saw on the way here from the teachers' office. That's probably it.

As I was walking towards the what seems like the path to the school roof my heart began to beat harder and faster. ...Thump....Thump...Thump..Thump.Thump. It feels like I'm going to experience something new and exciting. 

As I was grabbing the handle I heard footsteps behind me so I looked behind me. And there was someone I knew, Hasegawa Aoi. Did she follow me here because she's worried about me. 

After thinking for a moment I payed no mind to her as she's not related to me in any way so there's no need to get close either. So I continued on and opened the door to the rooftop. 

The roof looks bigger than I expected. Who would've thought they would plant trees on the roof to have a small garden up here for the students to relax. Even though aesthetic is quite pleasing the amount of people bothers me. Why is there no one here. 

One speculation is that this place is restricted but if that's true the door shouldn't be unlocked nor should the roof looks like it was made for the students to appreciate the nature. So they just don't like to come here?

As I was satisfied with the answer I came up with, I proceeded to look for a place to sit down and there's the table for two to sit. With the table in sight I walked towards it and sat on one of the chairs there and open up my food container. 

I can't say that I'm not surprised by the fact that the household cooks is able to make the food that wasn't able to blend together theoretically but they managed to do it anyways. They truly deserve some praise for their work to care of my diet. 

As I was eating I noticed that Hasegawa Aoi is still here. She's also standing and staring at me eating. 

"You want some?", I casually asked as I picked up a part of my food with my chopsticks that I've gotten used to using. 

As if she realised what she has been doing she blushed a little from the embarrassment and vigorously shook her head. The she murmured "I was just surprised at how calm you're at a new school. You're also navigating around without a guide".

I was barely able to catch on what she said. That just shows how soft is her voice. Her presence in class is also quite weak. It's as if she blended in with the air.