Learning About The Races He Already Knew

"It shouldn't surprise you at all. Just simply looking at the Mana concentration, which is over 50 times higher than the lower realms. We grow faster here, and origin laws are even easier to comprehend here.

I'm sure you should have begun to grasp origin laws too. Those are the true source of power. In the lower realms, the origin law is almost non-existent.

That is why the world leaders of Earth are all stuck at the peak galaxy rank. The majority of them don't even grasp origin laws, and without it, they'll never reach the Pseudo-universe origin rank," Sylvia said as Zeras shrugged instead.

"But actually, that saves the lower realms too. If it were like the upper realm, that would mean those races even higher than you on the rankings will show interest and will travel to the lower realms. If that occurs, then the human races and most races would have probably gone extinct already.