I entered the classroom where my friends were eagerly waiting. They teased, "Well, we know he's our senior and your childhood friend. You two have always been good friends, but it doesn't seem that way anymore. The way you two look at each other is different—more than just friends." To their remarks, I blurted out, "Yeah, I do see him as more than just a friend, but he thinks of me as just that—a friend." Abby chimed in, "Look, our little girl has a crush!" I grabbed whatever I could find in front of me and playfully hit her hard. I didn't want anyone to know about my feelings for him. Laughter filled the room, and once again, I was left feeling embarrassed. What an embarrassing day it was turning out to be.

After five minutes, our teacher finally arrived, and the class began. Once the class was over, I asked my friends about their interest in the expedition. They didn't hesitate at all and said a resounding yes. We all headed to the cafeteria for lunch and discussed the trip further. Walter mentioned that the upcoming week would have four holidays, making it the perfect time for us to visit the forest. He also mentioned that we could book our tickets at a 50% discount due to low demand. So, the plan was set, and everyone was excited for this long-awaited trip. We even decided to stay in forest camp houses provided by a private organization, complete with security measures against wild creatures.

Following our classes, we all gathered again in the evening after college to finalize our plans for the trip. It was Saturday, and our tickets were booked for the upcoming Monday. Excitement and anticipation filled the air. As I exited the college building, I spotted Louis waiting for me. As he saw me, he flashed his usual smile, though it had taken on new meaning for me in recent months. I walked up to him, and he said, "Let's go home." Together, we started walking along the pathway. Each step seemed synchronized, and my heart was racing uncontrollably this time.

After a prolonged silence, I mustered the courage to talk about continuing the trip with my group of friends. He listened attentively, and then he shared his perspective, "It's nice to see you engaging so well in your life. However, you need someone on the trip who can ensure your well-being. While your friends are great, they might not be responsible enough to take care of you." I found myself agreeing with him. Then he added, "If you don't mind, I'd love to come along." I responded, "Of course, as long as you're not coming solely to take care of me." He agreed, and we set the plan in motion. He said, "Alright, that sounds great. I'll get my things packed and help you too." Soon, we reached our neighborhood.