Finally, after overcoming numerous obstacles, the long-awaited day had arrived. I got out of bed in high spirits and completed my final preparations before heading to the shower. Once ready, I gathered all my travel belongings and made my way downstairs. There, my parents greeted me with warm smiles, waiting in the dining area with a delicious breakfast spread, including my favorite dishes. I inquired about the special breakfast, and they simply replied that they wanted me to have something memorable before I left. With a smile, I took a seat and enjoyed the delightful meal in their company.
As we shared this meal, they reminded me of various do's and don'ts for the trip. It struck me once again how deeply parents care for their children's well-being. With breakfast finished, we exchanged sweet goodbyes and well wishes for the journey.
Exiting the house, I joined Louis, who was already waiting in his car. We exchanged greetings before I settled into the car, waving a final goodbye to my parents. From there, we proceeded to pick up my friends, one by one. While Walter was usually the one running late, today he surprised us by being ready on time. However, Mason managed to take more than half an hour to get ready. I felt frustration building up due to the delay caused by him. His parents suggested we have some mocktails while waiting for him, but my impatience grew as time passed.