Holy Strings of Heaven

"Are you ready?" Anybody can tell that this is the last door in this underground laboratory. Oleixe tapped my shoulders twice. "You're the only one fighting that thing."

"No he's not! If you need help, we'll gladly support you! We'll be cheering you on from the back!" Shanon gave me a snack. She said that it was her favorite.

"Thanks for the support." If anything, the only useful thing I gained from this trip is the knowledge that I can wield "holy powers" and some fighting experience. I'm literally fighting a dragon from the get go.

I opened the door, with my hands visibly shaking from nervousness. I might be able to resurrect and regenerate, but everything I worked hard for will completely vanish. That still means I only have one life.

The room was completely dark, but all of us can tell that the room was huge enough to house whatever creature this is that we're about to face.

Suddenly, the floor began to shake, and a loud roar rang through my ears.

"It's too loud!" Shanon complained.

"I guess it's time to fight it." They hid in the room before this one, shutting the door behind and watching me from the door window.

I took a deep breath and held on to my sword tight. The room is really dark, and the dragon was blending in so I have no way of knowing where it could be.

"Let's go!" I shouted words of encouragement, leaping in the air and imbued my sword with fire, slashing it from my side with both of hands gripping on it so tight that it was visibly shaking.

The sword was met with what looked a giant scaly foot. It was really hard at first, but with more force I was able to slash it.

I quickly lit the room on fire, but I still can't see what was happening. All I know was that this enemy was roaring really loud.

I ran in circles like what I usually do in RPG games when rounding up enemies and shot multiple flaming swords at the center. I was hoping for it to hit the enemy, but looks like it was somewhere else.

"I'm wasting so much stamina, and I'm already about to pass out." I stopped running and shot another round of flaming swords in every direction, but none of them was hitting the enemy.

"Was it flying?" Before I was able to look, the dragon unleashed heavy concentrations of fire in my direction.

"WATCH OUT!" I applied ice on my feet and slid across the room, gripping on my leather coat.

"Calyx, that was really close!" Shanon screamed.

"I'm alright!" I shouted back and noticed the key again. How do I utilize this power anyway? Yeah, whatever.

The dragon landed again based on the earthquake it created. I summoned another round of flaming swords, and three of them managed to hit the dragon. I ran in that direction and slashed everywhere until I hit the dragon.

"Take this!" I unleashed a lightning bolt in one of the flaming swords stuck in it's body, creating a really big explosion. It shrieked in pain and roared so loud that the ceiling crumbled a little.

"Calyx! It's becoming dangerous now, get out of there!" I heard muffled shouts, but I can't make out who it was due to my ears ringing. I'm really about to pass out.

"Calyx, dodge!" I was caught off guard when the dragon's foot appeared in my view. I immediately summoned a diamond barrier, but it wasn't enough to stop it from kicking me.

"Damn it!" The impact was enough to knock me on the wall. The ringing in my ears worsened, and my vision was about to blacken, but I held on and tried to heal myself with demonic magic.

After seconds of inactivity, I stood up and looked around for the dragon.

It caught me off guard again and was about to stomp on me, but I slid away and lit the dragon on fire. It's image was starting to form the more I spread the fire.

I slowly processed the fact that what I was fighting was a gigantic dragon with elephant legs and huge bat-like wings. Demonic magic was trying to fight the fire, so I mixed my own with the fire, making it indistinguishable.

"At least I can see you now." I was gasping for non-existent air. The only thing keeping me alive right now is my own demonic magic, which doesn't make sense. Not like any of these make sense.

"Calyx, the ceiling is about to crack! Get out now!" The dragon flew and tried to release another fire blast, but I jumped on it's back and tied it's neck with my earth strings coated with demonic energy.

It shrieked again and tried to release control, but I slowly tightened it, crashing the both of us to the ceiling and landing back to the ground. I ignored the fire that was slowly burning me and focused on tightening the strings on it's neck. "It's... really hard!" I winced when the string was cutting me instead.

"What do I do, what do I do..." Right, I can run water in this string, run electricity, and make it explode.

"I hope this works." Panicking, I did all of them at the same time. I closed my eyes and braced for an impact.

I heard the dragon roaring out loud and was wiggling around, so I opened my eyes.

"Hu-huh, what is this?" The string was brimming with light, and the demonic magic that was darkening the room was slowly dispersing. "Is this...?" I pulled the string, and it almost sliced the dragon's neck like it was butter.

"It seems to heal me." I summoned more of the string and enveloped it around the dragon, pulling it once more and finally slicing the dragon into million pieces.

I landed on the ground and stared at the dragon. It's just, I couldn't believe it. All my efforts and I was able to defeat it just like that? Amazing!

"Calyx, let's get out of here!" Shanon tried to pull me, but I noticed it's flesh slowly moving.

"Wait, Shanon. It's trying to regenerate." Before I was about to cast anything, Oleixe immediately tried to burn it.

"Don't worry, I got you." We all laughed for a minute, slowly going back to the entrance with both Shanon and Oleixe assisting me in walking.

Next: The Four Dukes