Chapter 5 - Stranger Danger


"No, I had no idea." I grit my teeth. "Yes, it's over." I hang up, no longer wanting to hear the disappointment in my father's voice one more second.

My father is a man of few words. When he speaks, he chooses his words carefully. The reason it upsets me more whenever I hear that tinge of disappointment coloring his clipped voice.

Luke Cane is a business tycoon. He built Cane Industries with his ingenious business acumen. Although one would argue that he had the fortune to rely on, I always counter that it takes so much more in order to stay afloat and even multiply that fortune.

I stare at the files on my dark mahogany desk, Evelyn's testimony. Her confession did not shock me, I knew it the second I saw the look on her face when I stormed into her office.

It's convenient that the new girl found a way to cement the evidence against her barring accounting documents. She found a credible witness, that carries more weight.

Flicking my eyes towards the door, I picture her behind her desk typing.

I return my attention to the document in front of me. Evelyn recounted the sequence of events that pushed her to betray the company that we built, to betray me.

How could I have been so blind?

She wormed her way through my defenses - that is the problem. I let my guard down. It's rare that I feel comfortable enough to trust someone and this is precisely the reason behind it.

Whenever they can, people will take advantage of you. It doesn't matter who you are, what you are to them, your history, or even your attachment to them. They will hurt you and leave.

Even though her betrayal sparks the need for revenge in me, I admit there is still a part of me that would have helped her if she just told me.

Why couldn't she just have asked for help? I would have done something to fix her situation if it was that bad.

A ring cuts through my dark thoughts. Marketing confirming the company event.

"Ms. Blake, come here." I turn off the intercom and lean back. One, two, three, the door opens. Her timid steps follow.

"The Annual Trade Fair will span the whole of next week." She nods.

"You have a marketing background. Go to the 25th floor and tell them I sent you." I swivel my chair around, dismissing her. If she's that clever, then she'll figure out how to be useful.

Just before I hear the door close I add, "See the company nurse after. People might think I'm hurting you with those fresh cuts and bruises. And get your ankle checked, your limp isn't a good look." She closed the door extra hard and I almost snickered.

I'm interrupted by my phone's light indicating a message. Your father told me. I am dismayed by the sort of people you surround yourself with.

I am not surprised by the efficiency with which my mother can express her disappointment in me. There are no 'How are you's or even just an 'Are you even alive', not even a simple 'hi' would cut it. It's too much for Samantha Cane.

I thumb the button on my sleeve cuffs. Contemplating a reply that would not invite more cynicism from my mother. This blue suit jacket restricts me, I let it hang on the back of my chair and roll up my sleeves. New girl is out and no one would dare come into my office.

Tracing the patterns on my right arm helps with my racing thoughts. I decided not to respond to Mother on the off chance she might not play her mind games and forget about it. Unlikely, but one can hope.

I'm determined to focus on what I can control. I leave my jacket behind but ensure that my sleeves are buttoned down. I go to the Engineering Department, and checking my designs is the best way for me to feel in command.

I intentionally designed this building so that the first floors are dedicated to my bread and butter. Engineering is not just about creating products, machines, or structures. It's figuring out how to make people's lives better by translating science and math principles into physical entities. To me, it's magic.

I pass by the large double steel doors, breathing in the distinct iron and garage scent that permeates the huge open work area. Nodding to a few of the construction guys and our foreman trying to wrangle the latest machine into submission, I put on the mandatory protective eye gear.

I grab a pair of gloves and swat the guy on the other side of the sliding doors instead of wearing them. Tommy, the Senior Engineer, startles and almost drills a hole through his hand. His Abercombrie look fools people into believing he's one of those finance guys obsessed with stocks and investment.

"Fuck. The hell, man?" It almost makes me snigger. I school my features back.

"Got those prototypes done?" I said, eyeing the machine he was working on.

"Yeah, but Austin, you won't like the..." I lift up the prototype in question.

"This is shit. Try again. You have until tomorrow." His eyes narrow. He wipes his dirty hands on his equally dirty shirt. He tries to tame his blonde curly hair and runs his fingers through them in frustration.

"Why you gotta be a jerk about this? It's your design, it's not my fault it sucks." This would be any other employee's last words but along with Evelyn Myers, Tommy is one of the pioneers of this company. I would almost consider him a friend if I squint hard enough.

"It's not my fault you can't understand basic applications," I said.

"Is this about Evelyn? Quit whining about that. She was a bitch anyway. Good riddance."

"I hoped those massive double steel doors would keep you, ladies, here inside from office gossip but I see I'm mistaken." I study the blueprint on the table and try to keep my annoyance at bay.

"It's not your fault, Austin. You couldn't have known she would..."

"Enough!" I cut him off. "Make sure everything's ready for the Trade Fair next week." I divert the topic.

He tilts his head ignoring my demand, "You know what else I heard? Mr. Austin has got himself a new assistant."

"What is it to you?"

"And I heard she isn't bad looking."

"Don't." I raise my voice. "Do not try anything with the girl. I mean it, Tommy." He lifts both his hands up, indicating he means no threat. I don't believe him.

"I'm just kidding, boss. I mean no harm." The smile he presents me with says otherwise.

"Lay off, Tom. Company policy."

"You are the most uptight hypocrite I know. How many women have you hired just for their looks?"

"Who wants to have unpleasant-looking people around them all day?" I counter him.

"That's fucked up. Don't deny it." I'm done with this.

"Give my best to your new girl!" I flip him off on my way out. This visit was useless.


The Annual Trade Fair is one of the most anticipated events in the company simply because the engineers can showcase and demonstrate their latest toys while attracting clients. Marketing is their voice while the engineers gloat over their shiny new things. It's a week-long event with dozens of industry players concentrated in one area.

I don my signature suit, planning to impress prospective clients. I don't need to engage with potential clientele but I want to represent them. Cane Constructions does not need this publicity but I like to show off.

I brought new girl to the Trade Fair so she could be more acquainted with our machines and general business structure. It's not going well.

Our booth is situated at the heart of the event. Given the company's popularity, we're the center of the fair. With a good portion displaying our machines and products on one side and the marketing crew on the other, enticing the passersby to listen to their pitch.

New girl is seated on the table with fliers, handing them out. I grit my teeth in irritation.

Another guy chats her up. Pointing at the fliers but eyes glued on her face. She hands them out, innocently smiling.

The men in front of our booth have souvenir trinkets and cookies they give out to people walking around. One of them walks up to her table, "Hi, your smile is so pretty. Can we give you this? From your neighbors." He tries a charming smile while pointing to their own booth.

I sidle up next to her, grab her arm, and yank her off her seat for a talk.

She flinches. Hard. She drops the cookies. The annoying guy is looking at us, ready to help the girl. Which annoys me more since I didn't mean to startle her.

"I'm Austin Cane. Her boss. Leave us." I say, not removing my eyes from her. I sense the guy leaving.

"I... I'm sorry, Mr.Cane. I was just surprised. You startled me."

"People are flirting with you. They're not asking about the company so you're wasting time I pay you for." Why is this girl not comprehending the situation?

"Stop it." I emphasize. "Do not entertain them."

"But sir, they were just asking for fliers..." Her caramel eyes pleading. I ignore them.

"I don't care! You're embarrassing me!" I snap at her once more. The marketing crew is now staring at us. I step on the scattered cookies on the floor. The crunch is weirdly satisfying.

"Come sit with me. I need to discuss something with you." I lower my voice.

If she can stomp over, I think she would have. But since we're grown adults, she opts to purse her lips in retaliation.

I waited a few seconds for her to say anything, to argue back, but nothing. She's glaring at the floor.

"After this, I need you to focus on HR. I need more competent people on our construction sites."

"Copy, sir." A beat. "Anything else, Mr.Cane, sir?" She finally looks up. Juts her chin in my direction.

New girl has an attitude. I shake my head. She returns to her table and gives out more fliers.


"We have sites all over the country. The biggest project right now is in Montana which we'll have to visit soon. Would you be fine with traveling?" I ask her while exiting the parking area of the Trade Fair.

"Ms. Blake?" I ask her again.

"Is it okay if you can drop me off at the nearest bus stop, sir?"

"Look, it's late at night and I don't have the time to worry for my employee's safety after dropping them off at a very questionable area. Especially when they were last seen with me. So do me a favor and just shut up."

"Yes. Yes, I'm okay traveling to Montana and yes, okay I'll accept the ride home." She looks out the window.

"You don't have a choice," I say. "Besides, it's on my way home. My family lives north of Centennial." Her eyes visibly widen. The Cane Estate is located in the richest area of Portland, way up north but you have to pass by Centennial, the poorest neighborhood.

"Your family lives in Happy Valley?"

"Yeah, it's quite ironic." I stopped myself from telling her why.

She does not need to know how unhappy my family is.

"I know you saw Augustus last time. I apologize if... He's..." She scratches her jaw. Something I'm noticing that she does when she's nervous. She doesn't continue.

"Augustus, your father?" I want to ask about what I saw. I don't know how.

A clipped nod. I park outside her house. This time, she waits until I pull over before opening her door. "Thank you, Mr. Cane. See you next week."

Her hair sways as she walks up the porch.

My phone lights up as I drive away.

A message from mother: Meredith is coming for a visit.